View Full Version : Save the Date Video - music advice

Travis Cossel
May 1st, 2008, 08:43 PM
I'm brainstorming music for a save the date style video I'm going to be shooting. The couple will be painting on a wall, and having all sorts of fun while doing so, and at the end we'll reveal that they just painted their date on the wall. I need music to match this fun style.

I'm in the brainstorming phase, so I'm open to ANY suggestions. Thanks!

Jason Magbanua
May 1st, 2008, 09:35 PM
If they're rock and roll try hush by kula shaker.

Jason Robinson
May 1st, 2008, 10:00 PM
I'm brainstorming music for a save the date style video I'm going to be shooting. The couple will be painting on a wall, and having all sorts of fun while doing so, and at the end we'll reveal that they just painted their date on the wall. I need music to match this fun style.

I'm in the brainstorming phase, so I'm open to ANY suggestions. Thanks!

Sounds like a great shoot. A similarly fun song should be chosen. Unfortunately, I'm mostly useless for ideas. The only possibility I have is "Caedmon's Call - Daring Daylight Escape" (an indie rock-ish sound) which is a fun song about the guy getting up the courage to ask his girlfriend to marry him. Lyrics here. ('s-Call/B155D1F32BCCB3BF48256DEA0007D99B)

Travis Cossel
May 1st, 2008, 10:59 PM
If they're rock and roll try hush by kula shaker.

That's a pretty cool track; lively, fun, upbeat. Thanks!

Travis Cossel
May 1st, 2008, 11:14 PM
Sounds like a great shoot. A similarly fun song should be chosen. Unfortunately, I'm mostly useless for ideas. The only possibility I have is "Caedmon's Call - Daring Daylight Escape" (an indie rock-ish sound) which is a fun song about the guy getting up the courage to ask his girlfriend to marry him. Lyrics here. ('s-Call/B155D1F32BCCB3BF48256DEA0007D99B)

Thanks for the song. Another upbeat track, and it's cool that it ties in with the event.

Here are some of the other songs I've come up with so far (opinions welcome):

Gotta Have Fun - Conehead Buddha

Here It Goes Again - Ok Go

Over My Head - The Fray