Steve Phillipps
May 1st, 2008, 10:12 AM
For the new EX3 there is going to be an adapter for using 2/3" and 1/2" lenses, plus there will be various 3rd party adapters for Nikons, Canons etc. But becasue this is a CMOS sensor rather than CCDs won't there be issues using standard video lenses as they're setup for 3 CCD sensors? I know it's always been said that it works the other way around, ie if you put stills or cine lenses on Varicam, Sony 750 etc. then you'd lose image quality because they are disigned for a diffeent optical path, surely it works both ways?
Greg Boston
May 1st, 2008, 06:11 PM
It's still a 3 chip camera so no real difference there.
Giroud Francois
May 2nd, 2008, 01:18 AM
the sensor type has nothing to do with lens.
what is important is to know that a lens is build for a sensor size.
You can still use it with another size, ut the specs of the lense will be totally different.(indcuncing at worst vignetting an/or chroma aberration)
another thing is to consider lens quality. Obviously an SD lens will be weaker (less sharp) than an HD lens.
Steve Phillipps
May 2nd, 2008, 01:56 AM
Giroud, the lenses I'm talking about are 35mm stills lenses so no problem with vignetting at least! I've got Canon 150-600, 300 f2.8, 500 f4.5 and 800 f5.6 lenses, so all megabucks, top-spec lenses. I've used them on HDCAM, Varicam as well as Super 16 and even the Phantom HD, and to me they always looked good. But I know there is the theoretical problem that lenses for larger format won't resolve enough detail for smaller one - I have yet to be convinced, but maybe it's true. As for CA, I think the problem is much WORSE in modern camcorder lenses, I've seen shocking things from many 2/3" HD lenses!
It seems I'm mistaken though about the CMOS sensors, I thought they behaved differently to CCDs, but I guess it's just single CMOS cameras like RED, SI-2K, Phantom etc. where there is no problem as they don't have a prism?
Thanks guys,