View Full Version : How to put edited files back onto Canon HF100?

Stephen Byrd
April 27th, 2008, 10:03 AM
I created another post in another section, so I apologize for having a duplicate post. Not sure which one it truly belongs in.

Can someone please help me out with how to edit a video in Vegas (or any NLE), then put that finished file back onto the HF100 for playback? I've tried creating a mts (renaming to m2ts) file in Vegas and simply copying it back to the HF100, but it doesn't read it. Is there a certain format/spec the HF100 is looking for to show up on the SD card? It looks like you can edit with the bundled Pixela software, then copy it back, but that does me no good since I work with Vegas.

Ken Ross
April 27th, 2008, 03:33 PM
Stephen, I'm not sure, but I think this is an issue with any of the AVCHD cams. Each time you shoot a clip with them, they create several companion files. I'm guessing if you copy a clip from your hard drive to the cam, it's looking for those companion files that don't exist. If it doesn't see them, it might not play it back.

Kaushik Parmar
April 27th, 2008, 10:58 PM
Stephen, I'm not sure, but I think this is an issue with any of the AVCHD cams. Each time you shoot a clip with them, they create several companion files. I'm guessing if you copy a clip from your hard drive to the cam, it's looking for those companion files that don't exist. If it doesn't see them, it might not play it back.


I am proud owner of JVC GZHD7 & Canon HV20, I did try to put back some edited files on HD7, it went in HDD but when I tried to play it was not able to play! Infect it doesn’t shows in HDD if we browse it via USB.

So then what I did is I made .tod files of same and when I tried to play it I was succeeded! In HD7 you have to create your edited videos in .tod or maybe it is .tpd, I am not sure what extension is that, but you have to create it that only, and you have put it particularly folder, then only you able to play your edited files on your TVs via HDMI or Component!

This is only possible with supplied software PowerDirector 5, with help of it you can create same files exactly what JVC HD7 create in its HDD.

So it is simple just do whatever editing you want, then create GZHD7 file and send it in that particular folder, then you will able to see it in your TVs.

I am aware this question was related to Canon HF100, but I was thinking it would be same like JVC GZHD7, so I wrote here.


Stephen Byrd
April 28th, 2008, 10:34 AM
i thought i was on the right track just now. i used SONY AVC as the type, then under custom, i changed the System to MPEG-2 transport stream. it populated all the correct info for the format (including resolution and .m2ts extension), but when i tried to render, it just said "an unknown error has occurred." i wonder if anyone else gets this error?