View Full Version : ProspectHD and AJA Xena LHe - sound sync issue/bug

Greg J. Winter
April 26th, 2008, 10:56 AM
David - I submitted ticket #611-5976708 regarding AES sound sync is off when viewing HD-SDI video (about 15 frames) making editing impossible. Audio is ahead of video. I received a response on 4/14/08 that they have confirmed this bug exists. Can you check into this? I just made an investment in a new edit system that I can't use yet. Thank you. -Greg J. Winter

PS. I really like the quality and size of files I get working with the Cineform Codec - I just want to be able to edit on my PVM-14L5 Monitor the way I used to with SD projects!

David Newman
April 26th, 2008, 11:47 AM
I can't confirm that bug exists, and as far as I know it doesn't, but 4/14/08 was a very busy time so testing and reporting maybe an issue. However audio and video sync are supposed to be hardware looked by the AJA card. If you use the AJA drivers we provide there should be no issue. I understand there are cards with a firmware change, which may be the failure point. Please follow up with the ticket and get support to confirm.

Greg J. Winter
April 26th, 2008, 08:13 PM
When I use the ProspectHD- driver, I have the problem with sound playing back using Premiere Pro Version 3.2.0 and the previous Premiere Pro version before this too. I am using the drivers installed under C:\Program Files\CineForm\AJAIO.

I can play back the Cineform AVI using Media Player with audio in sync using motherboard audio.

If I uninstall Cineform Prospect and install AJA Xena's drivers version 3.1.1, I can playback captured AJA avi files just fine and I just figured out that I can import the EX1 BPAV directory into an AJA project and playback AES audio and the audio is in sync with the video.

How do I follow up with a ticket that is listed as "Work in Progress"? Is there a program to see what firmware my AJA card has? Thank you. -Greg.