View Full Version : m2t to mov.?

Douglas Joseph
April 25th, 2008, 05:36 PM
Hey, guys. I got the DTE dr-hd100 firestore. For some odd reason, anytime I record with mov, my audio is jacked up. I use fcp to edit... however, if i shoot m2t, the audio is fine. So basically what I'm getting at is, what program should I use to convert m2t, to qt at full quality so I can edit it in fcp? That does it. Thanks, dudes.

Paolo Ciccone
April 25th, 2008, 06:23 PM
MPEG Stream clip, it's free and it converts to any QT codec that you have installed.

Douglas Joseph
April 25th, 2008, 06:32 PM
Paolo, I tried using that, man. For some odd reason, when I exported it to QT, it breaks up in the beginning. Maybe I'm taking the wrong steps? Just click export to QT? Also, is it at full res? I can't tell. It looks like it might be slightly fuzzier.

Andrew Kimery
April 25th, 2008, 07:37 PM
I don't know what the default settings are, but you can have MPEG Stream Clip convert the footage to pretty much whatever codecs you have installed on your machine. You can also have it merge many small files into one big file (which can be handy).


Paolo Ciccone
April 26th, 2008, 08:26 AM
Douglas, here are the settings for the conversion, replace SheerVideo with your codec of choice:

Alex Humphrey
April 28th, 2008, 02:07 PM
Hey, guys. I got the DTE dr-hd100 firestore. For some odd reason, anytime I record with mov, my audio is jacked up. I use fcp to edit... however, if i shoot m2t, the audio is fine. So basically what I'm getting at is, what program should I use to convert m2t, to qt at full quality so I can edit it in fcp? That does it. Thanks, dudes.

hmmm my DR-HD100 works fine. before you go too far down the road of alternate work flows and paths, make sure you are recording correctly (both the camcorder AND the DR-HD100 DTE drive) or that indeed something isn't defective or wrong with the drive. Is the DTE new? Under warranty? Have you done any of the built in utilities?

Douglas Joseph
April 28th, 2008, 03:47 PM
Thanks, Mr. Ciccone. I'll try those settings out; hopefully they work. - I just tried that, and for some odd reason, my audio is off way; not syncing up. Know why that is?

Alex: Yes, the hd is new, and under warranty. I've tried everything, man. No matter what, if I record mov. the audio ends up jacked. I've talked to Focus, and they said, this happens to ALL dr-hd100s with the jvc hd110. Which, now... I'm beginning to question if that's even true. If it's not, I'm gonna be very, very-- disgruntled. So, looks like I'll be giving good ol' Focus a call here soon.