Bill Ravens
March 9th, 2002, 07:51 PM
I just finished reading Adam Wilt's write-up on black level or pedestal. Prior to reading this, I thought a black level of 7.5 IRE was appropriate, as it also corresponds to the "nominal" setting of black level as it comes on the XL1s from the factory and because 7.5 IRE was a North American NTSC standard. Now, after reading the article, I think he's advocating setting the level to 0 IRE in order to match the 601 spec color map. I'm wondering what setting others are using?
John Locke
March 10th, 2002, 05:40 AM
That's a new one on me, Bill. I've been reading up on getting my shots up to broadcast specs...and from what I've read, 7.5 is required for TV.
Bill Ravens
March 10th, 2002, 06:50 AM
You are not mistaken. NTSC spec is, in fact, 7.5 IRE. Adam's point is that we're throwing away bandwidth since computer technology will use the full range, 0-100 IRE. His contention is that we should shoot, capture and edit at 0 IRE and then remap to 7.5 IRE with a proc amp just before making the final tape for broadcast. His contention is that shooting with 7.5 IRE causes less contrast and loss of detail in the blacks. I'm somewhat at a loss to understand this, since I thought the blacks would get crushed. I guess this only applies for broadcast situations. In case you're interested, the article is here:
John Locke
March 10th, 2002, 07:02 AM
Thanks, Bill...
I'll check it out.