View Full Version : Extra warranty for HV30?

Robert Dombaj
April 25th, 2008, 09:42 AM
Hi guys,
I'm about to purchase 2 HV30's and am debating whether I should also get extra warranty (2 more years for about $110 CDN @ Henrys). That would make it 3 years in total. Do you think it's worth it? I used to have a Sony handycam for many many years (SD DV) and never had to service it but had some issues with my Canon GL2.


Rick Diaz
April 25th, 2008, 09:54 AM
It depends on what you plan on doing with these cams, what the warranty covers, and who will administrate it. Most manufacturing defects will appear within the manufacturer's warranty period. Canon does not cover problems associated with improper use or accident under any circumstance. Will this extended warranty? And if you need service, who will fix it? Do they simply send it to Canon on your behalf or to some 3rd party repair station with no brand name to protect? What kind of turnaround do you get? The reason retailers push extended warranties is because they are almost like free money. There are so many small print clauses in them that they are often practically worthless to the consumer, and the reality is that they are seldom needed. Since you're buying two can I assume you'll be using them for more than just taping the kids in the pool or the family vacation? If so, then you'd be better off with a camera insurance policy that can cover incidental costs (like renting another cam so you don't have to halt production while yours is gertting fixed). Yeah, these policies aren't cheap, but neither is having to stop production for a broken cam. Personally, I never buy extended warranties and I've yet to regret it. Like I said, a manufacturing defect will almost always show up during the initial warranty period, and any damage I may do after that is not likely to be covered under ANY extended warranty. Put the $110 towards a good, protective camera bag for each of your cams and give them a good workout in the first month to make sure there are no covered defects.

Robert Dombaj
April 25th, 2008, 10:19 AM
Thanks Rick for your reply. I'll be using these cams with a XH A1 (once I sell my GL2). I'll make sure to read the fine print of the warranty to see what it covers.

As far as I know, Henry's sends the equipment to Canon, they fix it. Not sure if they provide a replacement when it's in service.


Taky Cheung
April 25th, 2008, 10:54 AM
You can also check with your credit card company to see if they offer things like that. Say like, American Express automatically cover an additional year of warranty after the original warranty expired.

Rick Diaz
April 25th, 2008, 11:26 AM
You can also check with your credit card company to see if they offer things like that. Say like, American Express automatically cover an additional year of warranty after the original warranty expired.

Not sure if that works in Canada, but that's a good point and costs you nothing extra.

Are you stalking me, Taky? ;)