View Full Version : Creating swirly 'mercury-esque' clouds

Nathan Quattrini
April 25th, 2008, 08:15 AM
Ok its a tough one to describe if you`ve never seen the toy...but they sell these stress balls with mercury looking liquid inside so it almost looks like liquid clouds inside, when you squeeze it the liquid (light and dark) swirls around all turbulent like. I have thought of using turbulent displace, but it doesn`t seem to swirl around or feel very liquid like. Any ideas?

Forgot to mention I`m using AE CS3

Shawn McCalip
April 25th, 2008, 02:49 PM
Have you tried one of the many different flavors of "Fractal Noise", perhaps with an Emboss or Colorama effect applied on top of that?

I don't have AE open in front of me at the moment, but I would start off with something like that...

Ray Bell
April 26th, 2008, 10:14 PM
You might check out Particle Illusion...

I'm sure you can get the desired results from it....

Nathan Quattrini
April 27th, 2008, 06:51 PM
already bought particular with the last of my money heh...I decided to try something different as the footage wasn't really filmed properly to do what I hoped to do. Thanks for the suggestions though :)

Cole McDonald
April 29th, 2008, 06:22 PM
There are some "pearlescent" hand soaps that you might be able to shoot to get that kind of effect (just apply color correction later to make it look silvery).