View Full Version : Forum Renaming Request

James Rulison
April 8th, 2002, 01:35 PM

Maybe you can create a new section in the forums for Video over the Web?

Video for Internet

Or something, I don't think you would need to break it down to QuickTime, Windows Media, and REAL just yet. I just think as more and more people want to see their weddings, or family events over the net questions are going to arise. We might want to add a few more discussions on how to get the best video and compression for use over the net.

Best regards,

Justin Chin
April 8th, 2002, 03:01 PM
I'd like to see this to. And or if anyone has a good resource primer on the subject I'd like to hear about it.

Ed Smith
April 9th, 2002, 12:21 PM
Rob very kindly found these sites in response to my question 'Downloading' in the TOTEM forum; they are very useful if you are looking for live web streaming, or don't know where to start:

Quicktime: (mac only?)
Windows Media:

I don't know about a dedicated video web forum at the moment (not many people asking those types of questions yet), but would see its benefits in the future.

All the best,


Chris Hurd
April 15th, 2002, 12:42 PM
It's an appealing suggestion. A buddy of mine in Boston is something of an expert in this category; I'll see if he's up for giving us a hand with this, and then we'll "make it so." Thanks,

Chris Hurd
April 15th, 2002, 05:31 PM
Roger that -- seems like all the required pieces are falling together. Thanks,

Chris Hurd
April 18th, 2002, 04:43 PM
Working up the necessary goods for this, plus how about a Film Look from DV section as well.

Robert Knecht Schmidt
April 18th, 2002, 06:34 PM
Speaking of film look, I have seen the most convincing home-brewed film look. A local filmmaker named Jason Tomaric shot a shoestring budget scifi epic (called "One") with a SONY VX-1000 and later a JVC DV-500. He recently gave me the privilege of previewing some of the new scenes, and the footage is really something to drool over, considering its prosumer origination. Great filmlook! He keeps its origins and workings a trade secret--all he'll tell me is that it takes about 20 minutes to process a 5-minute segment.

Rob Lohman
April 19th, 2002, 01:39 AM
He'll probably be using color correction with some of the film-look
plugins available. Sounds like it must be that.

Film-look section would be great Chris! How about a news
section where you can post interesting new things and/or
links to news etc. regarding DV. News fragments are now
scattered all over the forums. Oh... and you know I'm still
waiting on that other forum, don't you? :)


James Rulison
April 22nd, 2002, 03:56 PM

I was wondering what the final verdict was I know you were looking to get someone to monitor it, but I didn't know if you got a response back.


Chris Hurd
May 24th, 2002, 09:42 PM
We're there! I've recruited my good friend and fellow tradeshow warrior-veteran Adam Brooks from the Boston area to moderate and assist with the goings-on around here. Adam is a new media consultant whose clients include Canon USA and Media 100. He was the force behind the "I Can Stream" program from about a year ago and is well equipped to handle these types of discussion topics. Fire away!

Jeff Farris
May 25th, 2002, 07:40 AM
I spent over an hour yesterday fooling around with different QT settings, none of which I was satisfied with. I am trying to deliver a 3 minute video that is my first editing project to the web. I decided this morning to visit my compadres at DV-INFO to see what they have to say on the subject, and lo and behold here is an entire, brand new forum on the subject.

I am about to devour it all, but I first wanted to thank you. I am also thanking you by directing all of my DV purchases, present and future, to your sponsors.

Ed Smith
May 25th, 2002, 01:16 PM
<<<-- I don't know about a dedicated video web forum at the moment (not many people asking those types of questions yet), but would see its benefits in the future -->>>

I guess I will just have to eat my words!!!

I think now, this will be a valuable message board, and since I'm just getting into web streaming this will be a great resource.

Cheers Chris,

All the best,

Ed Smith

Keith Loh
May 28th, 2002, 12:57 PM
I've been on this board for the past few weeks looking for DV camera suggestions but didn't notice this section until today and thought I should mention that I work for a streaming video technology company that produces a Java-based playerless solution called Clipstream.

I don't want to be complete huckster but people can check it out at

The advantage of our technology is that it is playerless, relying only Java and doesn't need any special servers to host the video. This will probably mean something to people who don't have time, equipment or money to set up a special streaming server for their movies.

Also, one market we are pushing is to send video through email, which is pretty easy using our technology. We've already done this for Lions Gate (Shadow of the Vampire) and Revolution (Black Hawk Down).

I think this has potential for guerilla, indie and low budget filmmakers to get some mindshare. Providing you are careful about spamming people, some may be interested to get trailers in their mail. Since it's streaming, it isn't that much heavier than normal email.

Rob Moreno
August 7th, 2002, 01:49 AM
Now that DVD-R drives have become affordable, I'm sure many of you out there are, or soon will be, making your own DVDs. about having a forum dedicated to DVD authoring? I think it would be cool to share experiences with different brands of media, bit rates, authoring techniques, DVD-R compatible players, etc. Anyone interested?

Chris Hurd
August 7th, 2002, 05:33 AM
I suppose we could fold it in with the web video delivery forum and change the title to suit both purposes.

Paul Sedillo
August 7th, 2002, 10:08 AM
I think that this is a great idea! I for one could use the help as I struggle along with the DVD format.

Dan Holly
September 3rd, 2002, 11:27 AM
I would agree a few months I'm going to need as much info and help as possible regarding the broad DVD subject

David Hurdon
January 3rd, 2003, 07:41 AM
Keith, what your employer sells it very cool on first exposure. Is it a practical approach for individuals who stream video for limited audiences - friends, family and the curious? I don't pay for WMEncoders so how much should I be willing to spend for this admittedly fascinating alternative?

Chris Hurd
February 6th, 2003, 08:52 AM
David, since this is an older thread, you might need to send an e-mail to Keith alerting him to your query here... I'm sure he'll answer,

Keith Loh
February 6th, 2003, 12:55 PM
Thanks, Chris. I've replied in email.

Jon Fairhurst
April 23rd, 2008, 11:55 AM

Shouldn't this forum be called

DVD, Blu-ray and Web Video Delivery

Thanks for your consideration!

Chris Hurd
April 23rd, 2008, 05:28 PM
Good question and well-timed; have actually been giving serious thought to splitting it up: web video in one forum, DVD in another. Does Blu-Ray deserve its own board? Probably so. Thoughts?

Jon Fairhurst
April 23rd, 2008, 06:53 PM
As long as it's clear where to get BD info, it works for me.

My fear about splitting it too finely is that the BD forum might not get much traffic from people who have answers at hand.

Rob Wood
April 23rd, 2008, 10:43 PM
maybe a split between web and disc-based delivery? ...guess i should provide some thoughts on why...

1) web has a wide range of codecs irrelevant to DVD/BR (and vice-versa).
2) disc-based delivery targets tv monitors; web targets computer monitors.
3) disc-based has physical limits; web has bandwidth limits. (weak but w/e)
4) disc-based has fixed specifications, unlikely to change quickly; web standards fluctuate more.
5) there is little info that applies equally to disc & web delivery.


that said, i need info on both formats regularly, but i've never needed to know about both at the same time... and i suspect most users are more focused on one or the other.


Allan Black
April 23rd, 2008, 10:52 PM
DVD, Blu-ray and Web Video Delivery

Huh? They're our solicitors :)


Ervin Farkas
April 24th, 2008, 05:21 AM
I would say for the time being a split in two would make more sense. Web stuff is an entirely different animal, so that should be one forum.

The other one should include both DVD and BD since we're all (well, most of us) working with both. They have some specific issues, but the basics are the same; further splitting into separate places may become necessary in a couple of years, with the DVD forum retiring hopefully.

Jon Fairhurst
April 24th, 2008, 06:57 AM
I agree. Having the Web in one forum and optical discs in the other makes logical sense.

Dan Wells
April 24th, 2008, 08:52 AM
I agree too - web in one forum, discs in another...

Steven Davis
April 24th, 2008, 08:54 AM
Since it looks like video is going largley to the web, I would like to see a concentrated web based forum.

I'll help if needed.

Todd Moore
June 5th, 2008, 07:08 PM
I thought I should add my opinion on a new section for web delivery.
It would make it a lot easier for those of us using web delivery.
Save a lot of searching through the current threads and and the threads would be less likely to go off topic.