Mat Thompson
April 23rd, 2008, 10:24 AM
Hi guys
Well the title kind of sums up my question really. I'm new to the HD110 and I'm prep'ing to take it out and use it for the first time. I'm interesting in good outdoor setups for shooting wildlife.
I'm also unsure whether I can use scn files from HD100 and load them into my HD110....any help with this much appreciated !?
Daniel Weber
April 23rd, 2008, 02:41 PM
scene files will work no problem.
The best one to use is the TC3 setting.
Daniel Weber
Mat Thompson
April 23rd, 2008, 03:50 PM
Yeah I've been looking at the settings for the true color 3, but struggled to translate the recipe into the different menu items of the 110. Is there a .scn file I can download for that as a starting point?
Daniel Weber
April 23rd, 2008, 09:14 PM
follow the down load instruction for scene files. it should be a sticky at the top of the forum. all you need is an SD card. Works great. load up a couple of your favorite looks on a card and then load them as you need them.
Daniel Weber
Mat Thompson
April 24th, 2008, 04:23 AM
Hey Daniel
Yeah, I'm familiar with the process I just don't see a DL'able version of the TC .scn file. Only the written recipe ?
Edit: Ok I think I managed to plug it in correctly while avoiding settings not featured in the recipe. Colour rendition does indeed look quite life like although i have to say I'm still favouring my XL2 for picture/tones/colour at the moment. Onward with the tweeking I guess!