View Full Version : airline media passes

John M. McCloskey
April 22nd, 2008, 03:07 PM
What are the requirements for what I have heard from others as "Airline Media Passes"?

From what I have heard if you have a "Airline Media Pass" you can check in overweight baggage, free, and also can be allowed to have more than 2 checked bags with little or no cost. If this is correct could you lead me to a web site or pass along some more info concening this topic. Thanks

Bill Ward
April 23rd, 2008, 09:36 AM
Hmmm...some of the networks have cut deals in the past with the airlines, but I've never heard of a blanket pass.

Several of the airlines like United have a "media rate" for reduced baggage fees when you show up with multiple equipment cases, ($50 a bag, up to 70 pounds)...many no longer give the media a break. I don't know if the United media rate will survive the new baggage charges United is deploying.

Continental dropped their media rate, but the gate agents say you can call in advance to corporate HQ and arrange a special exemption. I've never tried it to see if it works with them.

The hardest part is when you get a gate agent who is convinced that:

1. There is no media rate/there never has been a media rate.
2. You must have a "network" ID badge to get the rate. This makes it tough for freelancers.

Trying to get a straight answer out of any of the airlines is tough...sometimes you can get someone in media relations at a given airline corporate offices to fill you in on their policies, but you've got to be prepared to tap dance at the ticket counter, too.

John M. McCloskey
April 23rd, 2008, 12:25 PM
Thanks Bill, thats what I expected its all about who you get at the check in counter and if they are in a good mood or bad mood. THX again

Daniel Weber
April 24th, 2008, 09:36 AM
it helps to fly one airline or airline group, i.e. Star Alliance.

After enough miles you will get status that gives you extra check ins as well as extra carry ons. I have Gold Status on Star Alliance and it gives me 3 checks, 2 carry ons and early boarding of the plane to make sure that my bags are safely packed on board. When on United I get the Economy Plus seats for free as well as access to all Star Alliance lounges when traveling internationally.

Daniel Weber

Bill Ward
April 24th, 2008, 10:46 AM
And the "Gold" Star Alliance rating also gets you a 50 lb waiver to 70 lbs, if memory serves.

Since I shoot for the Food Network and HGTV frequently, I've found that many of the ticket conter agents are big fans, so chatting up the shows and giving them some info on the behind the scenes hi-jinks sometimes pays off in reduced baggage fees.

Until you run into a Gate Nazi, (or worse, a Gate Nazi training a new agent!)and then all bets are off.