Alex Sprinkle
April 21st, 2008, 09:12 PM
Question: What, in your opinions and WHY would you go for it if you had to get a camera for wedding shots. Given this camera can cost around $2500, and you are not allowed to use ANY OTHER OF YOUR CAMERAS you have (this way, you can't say "I'd just use it as my back up"). I've looked at a few cameras already, but I'd like to know what the seasoned veterans have to say. Please give a reason why as well.
Jason Magbanua
April 21st, 2008, 09:20 PM
Sony FX1. Don't know how much they cost there but I'm sure it's pretty much within 2500.
great manual controls
tweakable picture profiles
great ergonomics
big lcd screen
Ethan Cooper
April 21st, 2008, 09:54 PM
Unfortunately the prosumer market has shifted away from your price point. Either cameras are $3,000+ or under $1,200.
The FX1 falls close to your price, (listing at $3050 at a large New York store)but it's getting a bit old.
The FX7 seems to have been discontinued.
The XHA1 is a bit better than the FX1, and features 24p if that's something you'd like, but is slightly pricier at $3,300
The JVC GY-HD110u runs $3,900
I don't feel the smaller cameras in the less than $1,200 range offer adequate low light capability for wedding work, and their manual controls leave a lot to be desired.
Maybe you can pick up one of the cameras I mentioned above used. They might fall into your price range then.
I don't know what to tell you.
Sorry to sound so negative.
Sony is offering their VX2100 refurbed for $1,764. If you don't want or need HD, then this is an excellent wedding camera due to it's superb low light ability. No Progresive, no 24p, no native widescreen, DV. But hey, at least the audio is better than HDV.
You can pick up a DVX-100b for $2250 after rebate. This camera gives a darn nice looking SD image, 24p and native widescreen (I think, I could be making up the widescreen part) but it's not as good in low light as the Sony VX2100.
Alex Sprinkle
April 21st, 2008, 10:29 PM
No, this helps a lot! I really appreciate it! Looking online, everyone sells the best camera for every job apparently. That's why I decided to come to the people that use them, and not the ones that make them.