View Full Version : Avast ye! Pirates of the Caribbean thoughts
Robert Knecht Schmidt July 12th, 2003, 11:14 PM (No spoilers)
Some neat characters, great acting by all, especially Johnny Depp, a tidy, lawful mythology, and special effects that served the story, rather than the other way around. Another hit out of the ball park for Terry Rossio and Ted Elliot (, IMO. Will big bix office make it a grand slam? Can it even recoup its budget? What do you think?
Did anybody understand why Bootstrap's blood was needed? What was the deal there? After the end of the movie (and end of the credits--stay for the credits, if ye dare), whose blood is needed now?
And, was he really holding that apple through the whole swordfight?
Brad Simmons July 13th, 2003, 02:26 AM yarr matey!
This film has great reviews so far. I'm going to see it tomorrow.
Andrew Petrie July 13th, 2003, 11:19 AM I really enjoyed the flic. I haven't been able to say that about a big budget movie in quite some time. Good fun.
Imran Zaidi July 13th, 2003, 12:04 PM Yeah, a lot of fun to watch. I had no idea it was almost 2.5 hours long until I looked at my watch as I was walking out. Keeps you thoroughly entertained. Lots of twists and turns to keep you interested, and I usually don't like big budget movies much either.
Richard Alvarez July 13th, 2003, 01:22 PM Loved it. I was so afraid that it was going to be "Hidden Pirate Crouching canon" with wire harnesses and stuff...I was really pleased with the fight sequences.
The plot device with the blood line was a little confusing, but I plan to see it again and see if it makes more sense.
Josh Bass July 13th, 2003, 02:06 PM I thought it was pretty decent--it felt like it needed to be over a while earlier than it actually was. Without Depp, of course, it would have been worthless.
Imran Zaidi July 13th, 2003, 03:00 PM Also, for those of you who've been on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney, did you catch all the ride references? I loved the little easter eggs. Made it more entertaining, trying to pick out all the scenes from the animatronics on the ride.
Mark Moore July 13th, 2003, 04:40 PM Possible spoilers.
Just saw this and loved it!
The bloodline was a bit confusing, but it was my interpretation that Bootstrap's blood was needed because he somehow created the curse (this kind of blurred for me!).
After the credits - I don't think anyone's blood is needed, but the objects need to be put back together again.
[sniff, sniff] Anyone smell a sequel around here?
Christopher Go July 15th, 2003, 04:10 AM SPOILERS
The first time the pirates gather to become mortal again, Rush's character says a few lines that clear up the blood situation. To summarize, he asks all the pirates "Who here hasn't paid their bloodprice!?" to which everyone responds accordingly.
This means that all of them have spilled some blood on the coins as bloodprice. All except Bootstrap because they sent him to the bottom of the ocean before finding out that ALL of their blood was needed.
This is why Bloom's blood was required. This is also why, if you notice, Depp's character cuts his hand before throwing the coin he stole back to Bloom's character, William Turner.
In other words everyone had to spill some blood back but because they prematurely killed Bootstrap, his son was the only way they could be free.
As for the special ending the monkey's blood is all that is needed since everyone else paid their bloodprice (and since no one else stole any more gold)
But beware if you steal some! They should bury that chest, very dangerous. Then again, if it were me, I'd steal a coin, do what I want, then return it - time and time again!
Josh Bass July 15th, 2003, 11:55 AM But you'd be all dead and stuff, dude. No one wants to hire a dead cameraman, or whatever you happen to be. "How's his camerawork? Well, it's lifeless. Same for his acting, his directing, his cinematography. It's like he's dead or something." Plus you can't eat, probably don't sleep. . .it's just not worth it, dude. Stay away from the damn coins!
Robert Knecht Schmidt July 15th, 2003, 12:33 PM Christopher--thanks for clearing that up.
Christopher Go July 16th, 2003, 01:17 AM Yeah, it was odd to me at first too. You can miss Rush's line even if you're listening because it just sounds like a fancy speech. Interesting that the filmmakers hinged so much on just those few lines - I know lots of people who were confused too including myself.
Josh - If I do a bad job I won't have to fear retaliation from any producers or I could make a great stuntman!
Matt Elias July 16th, 2003, 03:18 PM Saw the movie on sunday, thought it was awesome. It goes to show that a PG-13 can still be a hell of a movie. There was still alot of action, and at times I wondered what how the lil tikes in the audience were handling it - especially when one of my buddies pointed out the phallic reference during a close up of Mr. Depp's hand gripping the steering wheel handle.
I saw the preview for Disney's next flick, The Haunted House, which leads me to believe that they're making infomercials out of all of the rides at Disneyland. Disney did this in the 50s on its TV segments, highlighting the new park's features. Not sure though how It's a Small World would pan out for a feature film. Can you imagine that song for 2 hours?!?
Imran Zaidi July 16th, 2003, 03:36 PM That's so horrible they just might do it.
K. Forman July 16th, 2003, 03:56 PM Josh- What makes you think that Hollywood cameramen HAVEN"T sold their soles, and become the living undead? I know the Producers have :)
Imran Zaidi July 16th, 2003, 04:20 PM Better watch out... we have some hollywood cameramen on this board. Let's just rectify that with 'big-budget faceless studio' hollywood cameramen. That might be more specific...
K. Forman July 16th, 2003, 04:27 PM I am of course, just having a little fun. I do realize their are some Pro- Hollywood camera operators here, most notably Charles Papert. I have a lot of respect for them, and the skills of their craft. And more than a little envy.
Josh Bass July 16th, 2003, 06:45 PM I don't think it's the cameramen who sell their souls, just the directors and such. The cameramen have to listen to the DP, and he has to listen to the director, so maybe one or both of them are guilty of soul-selling. Directors have to be. . .come on people, no one volunteered to direct Dumb and Dumberer for the art of it.
Imran Zaidi July 16th, 2003, 06:48 PM I get suspicious when the director is also the producer... Or when a director also does a little too much producing as a whole. Like present day Spielberg... I wish he'd take it back a few notches. Back when he was stilling making almost flawless films...
Remember Jaws? Did the same guy do Minority Report? Yeesh.
K. Forman July 16th, 2003, 07:05 PM I think that in Spielbergs case, he got caught up in the effects of the movie, and forgot about the story.
Josh Bass July 16th, 2003, 07:06 PM I thought Minority Report was pretty decent. Now AI on the other hand. . .
Clayton Farr July 16th, 2003, 08:41 PM Alright, finally saw the flick via a matinee - procrastinating some real work I should be getting done. (As such, doesn't this count as research...)
Really enjoyable. I'm even considering incorporating Depp's inebriated mannerisms into my everyday activities. Seems to work for him.
As ashamed as I am to admit I left before the credits were complete (too many swaggering, inebriated audience members walking in front of my legs.) I was wondering what happens at the end with our poor little monkey? Someone mind spilling the beans?
Matt Elias July 16th, 2003, 09:59 PM Clayton, they fed the monkey to Spielberg.
Back to my previous comment about Disney's new infomercials...
Do you think that Disney has run out of room for new rides in the park, based on their movies? Maybe they're using the money to do the opposite: make new movies about rides in the park. Discuss...
Imran Zaidi July 16th, 2003, 10:12 PM The Disney theme parks seem to be stagnating a bit. Money has been scarce in tourism since 9/11, and it really shows. Especially noticeable in my city of Orlando, which is a hop, skip and a jump from the Disney empire.
Last reports from those I know who've been to the main Magic Kingdom theme park lately say that the place is falling apart. Several rides keep breaking down, many need to be updated, and the whole place is in general need of an overhaul. Unfortunately, it's built in a way that makes it very difficult to keep certain parts open while still keeping the crowds coming. Especially these days with lackluster tourism; it's a tough thing to risk.
Long story short, heck yeah, they're looking to make bucks in the movies. Seems the worse the economy does, the better fantasy movies seem to do. We all want to escape!
It's the reason alcohol was so popular during the depression.
Robert Knecht Schmidt July 16th, 2003, 10:14 PM Matt, Disney--and any studio at that--will look for source material for new features wherever it may be found. IMHO, adapting a classic ride--and also the many conceptual sketches and ideas that went into its making, and the merchandise spawned from it--is akin to adapting a short story or a short film into a feature: not at all a shameful act of recycling, or if it is, certainly much less so than remaking a Hitchcock champion like Psycho.
Word of a sequel in the works is all over the news tonight--the sure sign of a film's success with audiences and executives. I can't wait to see what Terry and Ted come up with next. They say they have two more stories in mind--just think: a Pirates trilogy!
Imran: Disney? Stagnating? With $6 billion in profits over the past three years? And quadrupled profits in the fourth quarter of 2002? Even if they're imaginatively bankrupt, they're not stagnant the financial sense. Disney's assets, ventures, and investments are so diversified, they could churn out no other filmed entertainment than crappy direct-to-video sequels for the next decade and still afford to give Michael Eisner his $30 million Christmas bonus.