View Full Version : Sony batch capture woes

Stephen Armour
April 18th, 2008, 01:28 PM
We haven't used batch captures for a while, so I was surprised when we tried to do a pile of batch captures from either a Sony V1 or Sony A1. PP3 and Prospect don't seem to be getting along well at all.

HDLink recognizes the cams just fine, but PP3 will not in any mode. Neither in regular capture or as batches.

I reloaded the latest Prospect again, but I cannot get PP3 to recognize the Sony's.

Any suggestions? Workaround's? Patch's? (I'd certainly prefer not having to capture to M2T then converting later, but ....)

Stephen Armour
April 18th, 2008, 04:02 PM
David, I unloaded Prospect and PP3 recognizes and captures easily. It's only when I reload Prospect HD that it is somehow interfering with PP3 and capture.

HDLink works fine, but I cannot get a Prospect-enabled workstation to capture. A x64 workstation with just NEO4K captures normally, so it's Prospect for sure.

Suggestions or workarounds?

David Newman
April 18th, 2008, 04:46 PM
New to me. Submit a ticket, next week will be the first normal week in a long time, so support can check it out.

Bob Hart
April 18th, 2008, 09:06 PM

Happens to me on PP2.

I thought it was my mismanagement so only used the HDLink utility for captures.

Stephen Armour
April 19th, 2008, 08:46 AM
Workaround for us has been to unload Prospect, batch capture as standard 1440 HDV MPEGs to a capture subdirectory, then convert the several hundred HDVs to CF 10bit 1920 AVI's using HDLink, then reload Prospect for editing.

An extra step, extra time, extra hassle, but works. I haven't had time to post a ticket, but would suspect there are others with the same problem?

Certainly easy enough to test, so maybe others like Bob can mention if they are having probs as well. Something strange is that HDLink recognizes the firewire link to a HDV cam, but if Prospect is loaded, I cannot get PP3 capture to see the same cam. Unload Prospect, it's there, load it back in, it's gone.

It seems to be a conflict between Premiere and Prospect's replacement editing engine, as the codec alone could probably never cause this and certainly NEO on other machines has no effect. We haven't tried loading a Prospect HD on our x64 workstation, as we have NEO 4K on it and didn't want to somehow lose that config by messing with it.

David Newman
April 19th, 2008, 09:11 AM
There are two HDV capture utilies, Adobe's and CineForm's you can choose between them and there should be no clash. While there might be a recent bug (we will check on next week -- please file the report) but that would not interfere with the Adobe capture, you should be uninstalling anything. In preferences just choose the capture tool and driver device you need (even if it Adobe's not CineForm's)

Stephen Armour
April 20th, 2008, 06:48 AM
There are two HDV capture utilies, Adobe's and CineForm's you can choose between them and there should be no clash. While there might be a recent bug (we will check on next week -- please file the report) but that would not interfere with the Adobe capture, you should be uninstalling anything. In preferences just choose the capture tool and driver device you need (even if it Adobe's not CineForm's)

I can't explain why there IS a clash, but I guarantee you there is. It might be unique to this particular installation and software setup, but it is certainly real and there.

It doesn't matter what preset or capture prog I use...if Prospect is loaded then PP3 will NOT see the cams. I can choose whatever I wish, it makes no difference until I unload Prospect. Then all is fine, all is well....until I reload Prospect.

I will submit a report right now.