View Full Version : Wellington City, New Zealand - "Reset" by Mute Math, Music Video
Andrew Strugnell April 18th, 2008, 02:36 AM Hey everyone,
Below is a link to the HD version of my recent unofficial music video, which shows Wellington City's nightlife. It is an amazing test of the Canon XH-A1's low-lighing capabilities, and also how the camera deals with noise-reduction.
This was edited using Adobe Premiere Pro 2, and After Effects 7.
My other videos are available at
"RESET" in High Definition:
Hope you like!
Luca Ghione April 19th, 2008, 04:37 AM I like your video; what did preset use? Gain?
Cal Bickford April 19th, 2008, 07:11 AM That is some really great stuff! Love all the night stuff especially! Can you a link to some video's by the guy from chicago that you mention near the end?
Bill Busby April 19th, 2008, 11:18 PM Very nice stuff. Nice rhythmic cuts. I especially liked that skipped rhythm bit you did with the CU of the fire twirling guy (with the subtle B&W frames).
I'd really like to know how you got the shots in the airport. Looked like you must had been tripod mounted. At ANY airport in LA I know security would be all over with all the attention that would attract.
Chris Soucy April 20th, 2008, 12:13 AM Yep, no doubt about it - the boy really has talent.
Way to go, kid. Way to go!
Simon Clearwater April 20th, 2008, 08:15 PM Great Video, the fire twirling and the music work so well together, and the pacing was good too, revving up with the music in time. Well done, Ive been tempted to do a video of Dunedin's nightlife but am struggling to find a 20 second music clip....Maybe I can find some couches on fire somewhere...
Keep up the good work and best of luck. Did you shoot at 25F or 50i? Im guessing 25F with the low light stuff? Do you just film the lot and speed it up in post for the time laspe at the end or record a few seconds every minute?
Jo Potts April 21st, 2008, 10:09 AM Great video...loved the cuts with the fire twirler and at the baggage collection too. Some good composition and cut to the music properly - well done!
Agree on a previous post about the wellington city text, maybe a bit over done. I didn't think the ECG effect worked that well either.
All is all very good though! Keep it up!
Jay Hobbs April 24th, 2008, 10:38 AM Quite simply a delight to watch. Also interested in settings and was there a variance in settings? If so, was there one that appeared to work better than others?
Andrew Strugnell April 25th, 2008, 04:57 AM Hey - thank-you so much for your comments everyone - I hadn't realized there were comments on this thread until now. Thanks again - this video was so much fun to make.
It was shot with the VividRGB preset, as found on this forum. An excellent preset I must say! It really dollys-up the colours and, hense its name, gives a nice vividness about the image.
Blacks were pressed to give a vivid black, and the NR2 filter was set to 'high' for still shots. NR2 was taken off for pans and zooms usually. I used the zoom preset often too, which has come in so handy for doing a shot over and over again.
When need be - a maximum of 12dB was used to correctly expose an image, otherwise I compensated with slower shutter speeds (1/12 - 1/3sec) to acheive correct exposure, then sped up playback, with frame-blending, to maintain fluid movement in Premiere Pro. This was definitely a big learning experience about the camera's low-light steering-wheel!
This was also shot in 25F throughout - I didn't want to worry about deinterlacing or doing slo-mo work in this video. I'm still gettin my head around deinterlacing footage, so it was also safer to shoot progressive in the first place.
If you have any suggestions about how things could have been made better - I'm always keen to listen to opinions out there.
Thanks again for your interest - my other Vimeo videos can be found on:
And my general YouTube page is:
If you were interested - the videos of the guy I was talking about at the end of my video, Mike Krumlauf, can be seen at: