View Full Version : Scene detection in HD

Chris Coulson
April 17th, 2008, 03:02 AM
HI, I've had my FX-1 fr over a year now, and very happy with it. I always film in SD, simply because my Matrox RTX.100 works well with SD.

However, I'm thinking longer term now, and remember something a while ago about premiere pro 2.0 and scene detection while capturing. in HD this doesn't work...

Does this ring any bells? I remember reading about it a year ago, and discounting HD for that reason. (And the fact that I don't have a blu-ray recorder or player :-))

What do other people do with HD and premiere pro? (And matrox for that matter)

I'm seriously considering ditching Matrox, and getting a faster processor and going the HD and cineform way.