View Full Version : GL2 is falling apart?

Steve Withers
July 12th, 2003, 01:51 PM
My GL2 is almost 2 months old. I haven't done a whole lot of work up until this week when I filmed about 15 hours of footage of a Habitat for Humanity build. I haven't dropped the camera or anything like that, though it has been exposed to some heat and sunlight. Everything was working fine until yesterday, when I noticed a crack developing in the top handle right below the photo button. The mic section seems to sag down a bit because the top panel that runs from the mic to the actual handle panel seems to have come lose. I snapped it back in to place, but I may have to glue it...

The camera still worked fine though.

But today, while recording outside, the camera started producing a hum much louder than normal. I shut it off to make sure it was coming from the camera - it was. I haven't looked at the footage yet, but it seemed to be recording fine despite the hum. I'm not really sure what to do. I'm a little disappointed. It takes great footage, but for $2500 it should be built better...

Should I return it? Or try to get by the problems? Any suggestions?


Chris Fangio
July 12th, 2003, 03:39 PM
You should definetely return it.

Peter Moore
July 12th, 2003, 03:51 PM
Yeah, definitely not good. There may well have been small defects in the plastic and so it is not surprising that it happened without ever being dropped or anything. Or it could have been dropped at the factory, or during shipping - who knows? Anyway, yes do try to return it.

Ken Tanaka
July 12th, 2003, 11:10 PM
This is the first complaint of this kind I can recall hearing here, so it would not seem to be a normal circumstance. My GL2 is still in prime condition.

Your ability to get remedy through your dealer may be a challenge, depending on where your purchased the camera. Being within 2 months of purchase, however, Canon USA should honor the warranty.

Adrian Bell
July 13th, 2003, 07:35 AM
I also am having issues with my GL2 but they are of a different flavor. Mine has refused to fast forward or rewind a tape but only after many attempts (but will ff/rew search in play mode) although it continues to record. Last night, though, it tried to eat a tape while rewinding!! I've had mine since 4/03 and yes, I WILL be calling Canon Monday morning to get some satisfaction from them. Has anyone else had similar problems w/GL2s like this? Any remedies besides sending it back (tried the cleaning tape-didn't work)?

Steve Withers
July 13th, 2003, 01:52 PM
I duck tapped the handle on the camera so at least the mic won't fall off until I have the chance to call Canon when I get back from this trip... I'll also run the camera for a bit to see if I can get it to produce the humming again (just want to make sure...). Thanks everyone.

Adrian - No idea. If I can't get the camera to hum again, however, then I won't send it back. I can live with some duck tape. heh.

Adrian Bell
July 14th, 2003, 07:09 AM an air duster can Sunday night; sprayed the inside of the gl2 w/air...came back and tried operating it again after 30 min...worked fine (may have been a dust speck)...will wait and see what happens next....

Steve, sorry to hear that you're having to duct tape your camcorder. I take it that it's easier to use it as it is rather than trying to deal w/Canon about returning it. Hope the hum doesn't return; that could indicate something serious. Good luck w/it and happy filming.