View Full Version : Looking at a couple of G-TECH products to work with Cineform

James Huenergardt
April 13th, 2008, 01:47 PM

Just bought a MacBook Pro 2.6 17" for portable download/editing of EX1 footage.

I have Prospect HD and am looking to purchase an external hard drive.

Would either one of these G-TECH products work?

I'm shying away from the G-RAID mini because it's RAID 0 and there is a higher chance of drive failure with two drives than one.



William Middleton
April 14th, 2008, 09:29 AM
I have a 500gig G-Tech RAID that I edited some HD footage off of last october. So far no problems. It works fine. I think the newer models now have an eSata port.