View Full Version : Importing a Ppro CS3 project file into AE CS3 issue

Nathan Quattrini
April 12th, 2008, 11:37 AM
I did it last week as a test and chose the sequence I wanted to import, then when I put the sequence on the comp in AE it showed each individual clip cropped on individual layers to how it was edited in Premiere. I tried again today and its just importing as one solid, one layer, that I can't edit where videos go....any idea why?

Nathan Quattrini
April 12th, 2008, 01:54 PM
ok after a bit of a battle with it and trying every possible thing, I relearned you can go in premiere and straight copy the sequence then paste it in AE allowing you to move things around etc. Whew. Hope my blunder helps someone else in need.