View Full Version : How Long to Record Room Tone?

Peter Moretti
April 12th, 2008, 05:34 AM
I am recording interviews and in some cases will only use a lav. But I can use a boom mic later on to record room tone. If the interview lasts 30mins, how long should I subsequently record room tone for? Can I just loop it?

Any general tips on room tone recording an mixing it in during post production?

Thanks much as always.

Ty Ford
April 12th, 2008, 06:02 AM
Hello Peter,

Room tone is not just the sound in a room. It's also the sound of the mic, the preamp, and all circuits that contribute to the sound. You can't get proper tone by recording in a room with a different mic than you used to record.

A room doesn't necessarily have just one tone. Each setup in a room may have different tone based on the acoustics of the room and the noise sources, e.g. placement of HVAC ducts, lighting buzz, outside noise getting in through a window, coming in through a doorway.

Plug in a mic, walk around with it and listen to the sound field change. You'll hear what I mean.

How much? Usually 30 seconds is plenty.

See you at NAB.


Ty Ford