Chuck Volm
April 11th, 2008, 07:13 AM
I'm having trouble on "Print To Tape" in Vegas 8, going to my Sony PD 150. It chops, cut out, and doesn't display the color bars.
I suspect the firewire card. How many MB/sec should I have as a minimum for transfers?
John Miller
April 11th, 2008, 07:30 AM
DV requires 3.5MBps (25Mbps) which isn't very demanding.
Do you have any other FireWire devices attached to the same interface as the camcorder?
Do you have any CPU-intensive applications running? When printing to tape, look at the Processes list in Task Manager and look for any high CPU usage.
Chuck Volm
April 11th, 2008, 09:07 AM
I don't have anything else attached to my firewire.
Interestingly, when I closed all non-essential programs, I got somewhat of a color bar pattern. It looked like the "extreme noise" FX.
It taped about halfway through my 1 1/2 minute commercial & started chopping up again.
It chops randomly each time I try.
Initially, it will tells me It needs to render over 80% of the event (pretty normal).
It seemed to me though, when I was doing weddings, that I could render it to a new timeline, solo it (or delete the other timelines) and then print it right to tape with no rendering & no problems.
Could it be that since I'm using NTSC Standard for TV now in my preferences, my camera doesn't like it?
Vegas doesn't let me change to 720X486 in the "Print To Tape" menu. Could be the camera's fault...
Mike Kujbida
April 11th, 2008, 10:25 AM
Could it be that since I'm using NTSC Standard for TV now in my preferences, my camera doesn't like it?
That would be correct.
I suspect that's your problem as your PD150 (like most consumer/prosumer camcorders) is 720 x 480 , not 486 which is a broadcast standard.
Set your Properties to NTSC DV (720 x 480) and I'm sure it'll clear things up.
Chuck Volm
April 11th, 2008, 10:42 AM
It is helping.
I have true color bars now. I'm still getting cut outs on certain regions.
I've tried to marker those regions with about 5 seconds before and after.
Still getting chops. Like you say, I may have to set everything up again in a new Vegas file and start from scratch.
Chuck Volm
April 11th, 2008, 12:01 PM
I did go back to an earlier timeline - different project.
It did the print to tape, rendered it.
There was one glitch about 12 seconds into it, but nothing else.