View Full Version : Tascam FW-1884 and FCP Voice Over Tool

Ray Ellis
April 10th, 2008, 03:04 PM
Non-audio person needs advice:

I'm using a Tascam FW-1884 with Final Cut Pro 6.0. FCP recognizes the FW-1884 fine and I can hear audio being outputted from FCP from the timeline. The problem I'm having is when I try to record a scratch track using FCP's Voice Over Tool.

I hook a Tascam LD-74 into the mixer. I set the levels on the mixer with "mono mix" selected and then set the mixer back to "computer" mode. I still see the LED lights peaking when I speak into the mic. FCP's voice over tool allows me to select TASCAM FW-1884 as the "Source" and the "Input" in it's pull down menus, but it does not receive any audio from the mixer. The Level lights never show any sound being received.

My Tascam FW-1884 Manager is set to the following:
Control Protocol: Mackie Control Emulation
Clock Source: Internal
Sample Rate 48000
Audio Monitor Level Affects ANLG 1:2 with "Master Fader Affects ANLG 1:2 no selected
Core Audio: An 8 Channel Sound Device. Input from Analog 1:8, Output To Analog 1:8.

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!

Ray Ellis
Raleigh, NC

Steve Oakley
April 10th, 2008, 09:11 PM
I have a MOTU 896HD and it works ok with FCP. one quirk is that Audio 1 & 2 aren't Analog 1&2, but AES in, so all analog tracks are off by 2... what can I say, its typical FCP

so some suggestions.

1. it won't work if you have machine control enabled, be sure machine control is off in the capture window

2. is FCP looking for main outs, or the 8 channel outs. its quite possible that the mixer is sending to Main out, but not to the indivdual channel outs. play with setting the mixer to output to the channel outs.

its most likely something along the lines of #2. also have you tried seeing of the 1884 shows up as more then 1 audio input ? does it have a control panel to configure it ?

Ray Ellis
April 16th, 2008, 09:27 AM
Thanks for the input Steve. I found a pdf on the Tascam site with instructions on setting up the FW-1082 and the FW-1884 with Final Cut. Seems that I have to have the mic into Channel 1 only. Not sure why. Once I hooked the mic into input 1, the voice over tool recognized it.

Thanks for the help.

Ray Ellis
Raleigh, NC