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Chris Hurd
October 7th, 2001, 08:56 PM
Howdy from Texas,

Got the Watchdog updated with some new user tips and a couple of shoulder brace items, and added Community links to Son of Watchdog & The VX2000 Companion.

Here on the forums, I took Chris Ward and Stephen van Vuren's suggestion and created a new section for those who are using DV for broadcast or theatrical distribution. It's called "DV for the Masses." Hope it's popular! (I know I'm interested.)

Chris Hurd
November 2nd, 2001, 01:07 PM
Let me know what y'all think...

May 4th, 2002, 12:47 AM
Hi I just joined this list today, it looks great and seems to have a lot of knowledgable people.
On one of the other lists I frequent they have a business and marketing forum, which I really enjoy and to me is more valuable then the type of equipment each of us use, not that I don't enjoy discussing equipment, but I've found that without sales you don't get to buy the toys.
I was just wondering if there is any chance of one getting started on this board, or if there is any interest at all from others here.

Adrian Douglas
May 4th, 2002, 06:30 AM
I'd be interested in that for sure. I've always shot for other people where I show up with a master and they give me money(however in the snowboard industry it's more often gear).

I'm getting ready to strike out on my own full time in the next few years and info like that would be really helpful. I've got the tech skills I need but my industry business experience is zip.

Chris Hurd
May 4th, 2002, 09:35 AM
I am definitely interested in this and have thought about it since the beginning, but I didn't want to load us up with too many forums to start off with. The way it works right now is, if there are enough posts about a certain topic, we'll add a forum for it and move 'em all in there.

Right now I'm about to add a Film Look forum and a Web Video forum because there's already enough threads to put into them. If there's enough interest in a Business & Marketing area, then we'll sure do that too. Thanks,

May 4th, 2002, 10:34 AM
it's great to see the response, it's only a couple so far but if there are 3 or 4 responses I'm sure that there are 10-20 lurkers who would be interested.

Guy Pringle
May 5th, 2002, 01:26 PM
An excellent idea.

No matter what your level of expertise, we can always learn something new and maybe help others in return.

Chris Hurd
May 24th, 2002, 09:54 PM
"Web Video Delivery," called for more than awhile back, added to the "Post Production -- And Beyond!" category and hosted by my good friend and partner in crime, Adam Brooks.

"Read About it!" toward the bottom of the forum list, get away from the computer screen for awhile and pick up a good book, non-fiction of course, about our technical craft. Ken Tanaka resides.

"Towards a Film Look Using DV" in our "DV Production" category (the topics may fall under the category of post-production as well, but we'll lump 'em in here), does not purport that we actually *can* make DV look like film, but we can sure try.

"General DV Discussion" has been moved to the "DV Production" category and re-named "Open DV Discussion" to avoid confusion with "General Topics" in the "XL1 Watchdog" category. You got all that?

Hope this helps,

K. Forman
May 25th, 2002, 06:05 AM
Some of us need all the help we can get <g>. I know these new forums will be as informative and entertaining, as the rest that I now read daily. Thanks Chris!

Drinking my coffee, and liking the world more with each cup!

Ed Smith
May 25th, 2002, 12:57 PM
You'll never be able to get me off this forum!!!

Cheers Chris,

All the best,

Ed Smith

Robert Knecht Schmidt
September 20th, 2002, 02:21 AM
Holy smoke!

Vic Owen
September 20th, 2002, 09:07 PM
Yeah...looks like Chris has outdone himself again!

Thanks, Chris.

Alexander McLeod
September 20th, 2002, 09:46 PM
Mo bettah for us newbies.

September 21st, 2002, 04:40 PM
I see that camera supports have it's own forum now, can you can audio and mics as it's own forum (taken away from the XL1/s forum)

Chris Hurd
September 21st, 2002, 04:53 PM
If there's enough interest in it. There was so much about XL1 audio, so that's why it has its own forum. I haven't seen much traffic about other camera audio, but if there is enough, then we can certainly devote a forum to it.

Francesco Marano
October 30th, 2002, 07:52 AM
Hello Chris

are form the 22 april 2002 that there isn't new page in the site!

when the new page?


Chris Hurd
October 30th, 2002, 10:19 AM
Yeah, I know! I keep next-weeking people about it too.

Basically I've been on the road all summer, been very busy with all the tradeshows, etc. In fact I'm in Nashville right now on a quick trip. Plus we moved, which stopped everything in my life for about a month and I'm still recovering from that. Excuses!

What's coming up, in this order, is the GL2 Watchdog site, updates to DV Info (several new pages there), the AG-DVX100 pages, and then the XL1 Watchdog is losing its frames and getting some new pages too.

In progress as we speak, thanks for your patience guys. Hope this helps,

Paul Swires
February 2nd, 2003, 06:15 AM
I'm a new member and was wondering if there is a dedicated forum on DVD burning, both drives and standalone DVD recorders. I understand that a dedicated forum should be of a DV
nature but with DVD recording devices fast becoming a sought after item with many DV enthusiasts, could a dedicated forum not be looked at ( unless of course there is one and in my stupidity have overlooked it )

Many thanks

Paul Swires

Rob Lohman
February 2nd, 2003, 11:44 AM
At this moment we do not have a DVD forum. If there are enough
posts/threads and interest we might consider creating such a
forum. It usually depends on the amount of posts on a given
subject matter.


Chris Hurd
February 3rd, 2003, 01:13 PM
We might combine DVD subject material with our under-used web video forum, and when there is a predominance of DVD topics, change the name of that forum to match. That's one solution available. Generally we won't open a new forum until there is a body of pre-existing posts to transfer into it.

Chris Hurd
February 13th, 2003, 12:52 AM
Howdy from Texas,

I think these little 1-chip camcorders are going to create quite a splash... can you say "affordable consumer HD?" You might need a D-VHS deck in order to say that! We'll see. Steve Mullen shows the way.


Chris Hurd
April 3rd, 2003, 06:26 PM
Lots of new stuff at Enjoy,

Chris Hurd
April 25th, 2003, 04:04 PM
See our new area, Helping Hands (

Use this forum to post your crew announcements, or to find a job, or otherwise network with fellow DVi members either in your area, or on the other side of the planet. Enjoy!

K. Forman
April 26th, 2003, 10:01 AM
Very cool Chris! I had been thinking that you needed something like 's jobs listing on your site, and here it is... very cool...
Now I'm thinking...swimsuit issue? :)
Good job.

Chris Hurd
May 4th, 2003, 10:02 AM
Howdy from Texas,

We now have a new area dedicated to discussing the issues of audio production in the studio or on location. Check it out at Now Hear This ( Enjoy,

Chris Hurd
July 21st, 2003, 09:11 AM
Howdy from Texas,

In response to the demand by our members, we're pleased to announce our new Vegas-specific discussion forum, What Happens In Vegas... (, moderated by the multi-talented Mr. Edward Troxel. Enjoy,

Doug Quance
July 21st, 2003, 09:36 AM
Ed's a Vegas monster!

Glad you got him on to moderate, Chris.

And Ed, thanks for taking on the task... I enjoy your work!

Chris Hurd
August 2nd, 2003, 04:14 PM
Once again we bow to popular pressure! For your posting pleasure we're happy to announce Still Crazy (, for all of the digital still photography discussion you can handle. You demand, we deliver here at DV Info Net -- enjoy,

Nigel Moore
August 3rd, 2003, 08:31 AM community with the wittiest forum names! :-D

Chris Hurd
November 2nd, 2003, 01:58 PM
Howdy from Texas,

DV Info Net is pleased to announce the latest addition to our online community message boards: pre-sales info and user support for FireStore D.T.E. Recorders by Focus Enhancements (

Matt McEwen from Focus Enhancements will moderate the proceedings there, so you'll be in direct contact with the manufacturer's representative. Yet another "direct from the source" information service provided to our community, free from DV Info Net. Enjoy,

Chris Hurd
January 1st, 2004, 12:20 PM
We get soooo many posts about DV tape, we decided to dump 'em all into a special forum dedicated specifically to the topic of "tape" ( which, as far as I know, is the first of its kind anywhere online. It's called "The Long Black Line." The other big message boards for digital video won't give you this kind of service, but we aim to please, baby! There's a lot to read in here, so before you pop your tape question, try reading through these threads, and I'll bet you'll find your answer. Kudos to Ken (or blame, whichever you deem appropriate) for the forum title. At least there's no Red Tape here! While we're at it, "The Long Black Line" will also be the home for all of the DV deck, VHS and S-VHS deck, and camcorder-as-deck topics. If it's tape, it's there. Hope this helps, and Happy New Year!

Chris Hurd
March 4th, 2004, 01:36 AM
Howdy from Texas,

With the growing interest in alternatives to tape, we've done some remodeling to our forum line-up. Announcing our new Tapeless Recording Solutions ( category, with a dedicated forum within for the FireStore FS3 and other hard disk recording solutions from Focus Enhancements, and another dedicated forum for the QuickStream DV tapeless recorder from MCE Technologies. Manufacturer's reps from both companies will each lead their own areas. Enjoy,

Chris Hurd
March 24th, 2004, 04:00 PM
Howdy from Texas,

We aim to please at DV Info Net, so here's your very own Adobe Premiere discussion board ( Many thanks to Ed Smith, who has volunteered to moderate. The forum is open to topics concerning Premiere Pro, older versions of Premiere, associated plug-ins, optimizing a PC for Premiere, learning the software and much more. Enjoy!

Chris Hurd
March 29th, 2004, 03:23 AM
Okay, it's a minor policy reversal here at DV Info Net. If you abslutely must discuss rumors and whatnot, and you know better than to dare put it in our Industry News forum because you know it'll get booted, we've carved out a chunk of Nevada specifically for speculative thrillers (

Enjoy -- but don't take it too seriously!

Chris Hurd
March 29th, 2004, 12:10 PM
Several discussions in our "Film Look with DV" forum have become so popular that we've decided to move them to their own dedicated board. Alternative Imaging Methods ( is the new home of the outrageously intense "Homemade 35mm Adapter" threads such as the Agus35 and Aldu35 solutions. Among other topics such as "using digital stills to create motion video" and even a Super-8 film post or two, these make-your-own projects and related discussions now have a place of their very own. Enjoy!

Chris Hurd
June 3rd, 2004, 02:39 AM
Howdy from Texas,

Sure it's just a consumer-grade single-chipper, but they're so appealing that I just couldn't resist. We've had a good bit of interest in the Optura line around here before, so for anybody as impressed as I am with these little darlings, here's a couple of freebies for ya:

The Optura Junior Watchdog site (, with news and articles; more content in the works.

The Optura Discussion Board ( here at DV Info Net; the chatter is already underway.

Thanks for checking them out,

Jeff Price
July 1st, 2004, 03:36 PM
Is there a forum where it is more appropriate to discuss soundtrack issues? I did a search for loops and see postings all over the place. It might be good to have one place to talk about the various looping software and where to find loops. How to score our videos, etc.

Just a thought.

Jeff Donald
July 1st, 2004, 04:37 PM
I would post in the Audio forum (Now Hear This). If it is very specific you may want to try a post in the respective platform forum (Mac or PC).

David Phillips
July 6th, 2004, 12:05 AM
'The Wedding Forum is about ready to go. So stay tuned'.

That was 2 weeks ago. I look every day, but cant find it.
Am I looking in the wrong place?

Rob Lohman
July 6th, 2004, 04:50 AM
It really is ready to go. We have just been very very busy and
the last ends regarding moderating are being sorted out. I
will send a reminder to Chris about it, though.

Chris Hurd
July 6th, 2004, 08:30 AM
I promise!

Chris Hurd
July 13th, 2004, 12:02 AM
Coinciding with Canon USA's announcement of the XL2, and also coinciding with the fact that DV Info Net is simply the place to be these days, we've launched a new discussion forum dedicated to the Canon XL2, of course ( See you there,

Glenn Gipson
July 13th, 2004, 08:22 AM
Rob's XL2 link in the news section does not work.

Rob Lohman
July 13th, 2004, 08:35 AM
Thanks Glenn. I just removed the link and just linked to the XL2
forum where all things XL2 can be discussed, ofcourse.

Chris Hurd
July 24th, 2004, 09:05 AM
Finally! After all this time! Our Wedding & Event Videography ( forum is now open. Sorry for the delay,

Chris Hurd
September 11th, 2004, 11:02 PM
In response to our member's requests, we've got a new board now online in our HDV area for the recently announced Sony HDR-FX1.

Check it out right here (

Chris Hurd
November 29th, 2004, 08:48 AM
Howdy from Texas,

Pleased to announce that we now have dedicated HDV message boards for CineForm (headed up by David Newman) and Lumiere HD (by Frederic Haubrich). I've made a start at getting some of our HDV Editing threads moved into their respective CineForm and Lumiere areas, but it'll take awhile to get this process completed. In the meantime, please use these new boards for all discussions relating to specifically to Lumiere HD for Final Cut Pro, or any CineForm software product such as Aspect HD, etc.

The direct links are:

all CineForm software products (

Lumiere HD for Final Cut Pro (

Thanks again to David Newman and Frederic Haubrich for their highly valued participation here. It's much appreciated, fellows!

Chris Hurd
March 10th, 2005, 09:49 AM
Howdy from Texas,

Even though it hasn't been officially announced yet, we're getting enough discussion about the forthcoming JVC GY-HD100 camcorder (shoulder mount, "Pro HDV" format, interchangeable lenses) that it warrants its own dedicated forum. Interest should definitely pick up around NAB in mid-April.

The link is Enjoy,

Chris Hurd
May 19th, 2005, 08:47 AM
Howdy from Texas,

The latest additions to the Sony HDV line-up are a pair of single-CMOS camcorders, the HDR-HC1 and HVR-A1. Our new message board for these items is located at (

Please direct all related discussions to that forum. Hope this helps,

Chris Hurd
July 14th, 2005, 11:27 PM
Some long, long overdue articles have been added to HDV Info Net.


Where does the time go? I still don't have the new Sony cams on there yet; lots more content to put up, but at least this is a start. The site still breathes!

(Thanks Heath!)