John Huebbe
April 9th, 2008, 04:02 PM
Does anyone know where I can buy battery covers for the Sony batteries? I'd like to have plastic covers to protect the leads from shorting when I pack them with all of my gear.
(I'd rather not use tape, since in hot weather the glue doesn't come off and leaves some behind on the battery)
Doug Okamoto
April 9th, 2008, 05:13 PM
I don't know of any plastic battery covers for the Sony batteries. You could use gaff tape, the glue won't come off in hot weather unless you leave it on for a very long time.
I hope you're not trying to travel by air with this. If you are in the USA, the TSA will make you either throw them away or give you the opportunity to ship them somewhere from the airport before you go through security. At several airports around the nation, it has been reported that TSA is requiring that the batteries be attached to the device it is intended for. Their website clearly contradicts this but at the airport security checkpoint you really have no recourse.
John Huebbe
April 9th, 2008, 09:44 PM
I hope you're not trying to travel by air with this. If you are in the USA, the TSA will make you either throw them away or give you the opportunity to ship them somewhere from the airport before you go through security.
Yeah, I am. Next week actually. I will be flying often this year.
From this post it seems like there are only a few reported problems, most with large size batteries.
Max Volki
April 10th, 2008, 11:06 AM
Here is some practical experience from the last few weeks:
(Airports: FRA, SIN, SYD, CHC, AKL, SIN, XSP, TOD, SIN,)
(LI-Ion batteries for Sony HDV V1E camera, Panasonic Lumix camera, Dell laptop. (Various sizes!)
Batteries for Sony and Panasonic: never a problem, only weight, because partly Cabin-luggage was weighed (!) (Max.7 kg), but it you carry the batteries in your pants, after visual inspection, OK
Laptop batteries where never a problem, never had to dismantled them. But laptop ALWAYS had to be pulled out from carry-case and run separately through X-Ray device
Funny, the laptop was never weighted;-it is probably NO hand luggage, but a human right
Damon Gaskin
April 10th, 2008, 02:20 PM
Hmmnnn I suppose your talking about the little plastic cover that comes on the batteries say when you first get the corder and that you get when you buy extra batteries(I think I remember getting one with my 970 when i purchased it)? If so, try B/H or Sony.. Other than that not sure to be honest....