Ralph Roberts
April 8th, 2008, 03:14 AM
turns out to be more pleasant than I thought. ;-)
we did a two-cam waterfall shoot (now that the drought is finally over) for our "Waterfalls of the Southern Highlands" series mixing footage from my V1 and my HC1 (with my wife using it). A little color correction to match them and voila!
okay... okay... I think it's matched but can any of you guys tell which is which? ;-)
Andy Wilkinson
April 8th, 2008, 05:25 AM
I edit projects with V1 and HC1 clips used together all the time. In good light my little HC1 is almost a match for the V1. Only experts on here would see the difference, especially on downconverted SD DVD's. Now in bad light they both suffer - one more than the other as has been covered many times. The V1 gives "usable" - but often not great shots - and the HC1 is best left in my bag. Both are great cams when the suns out!
By the way, I suspect the slow zoom shots in your video are with the V1 - although it is possible to do a super slow zoom on the HC1 if you enable shot transition. You don't need to actually set a full transition up, just get the start screen up and it zooms super slow then (as you probably already know - you don't get any overscan on the LCD either - but just mentioning it in case someone out there has missed this great get around for the HC1.)
Ralph Roberts
April 8th, 2008, 06:48 AM
...By the way, I suspect the slow zoom shots in your video are with the V1 (although it is possible to do a super slow zoom on the HC1 if you enable shot transition. ...
Yup... and thanks for the transition tip for the HC1... I'll try that!
Ralph Roberts
April 8th, 2008, 08:51 PM
Okay, here's the footage in streaming HD!!
like, enjoy ... I'm kinda more than a little pleased with both the V1 and the HC1, finally getting some truly awesome stuff with them. ;-)
Ralph Roberts
April 11th, 2008, 06:32 AM
The above HD link is proving to be too much bandwidth for some people to watch, so here's the footage in HD on vimeo.com...
Ralph Roberts
April 21st, 2008, 04:54 PM
another waterfall with mixed V1 and HC1 ...
hint, the audio from the HC1 is a little hotter than the V1.
(you can turn off the HD if your connection can't handle the bandwidth)
Michael Krawchuk
April 29th, 2008, 07:55 AM
Very nice work. I use an HC1 now, and was thinking about upgrading to the V1U. after watching your footage, I'm not so sure. I dont have the best eye for it, but I couldn't tell the difference between the two. What's your thoughts on the HC1, and how would you compare it to the V1U ?
Thanks, Mike