View Full Version : Filter too deep

Brendan Cleaves
April 5th, 2008, 09:03 AM
I just myself a set of filter for my ex, i didn't want to spend an arm and a leg on them, so i got a cheap set from ebay for about $50. I will be getting a good set in the future but only have about 50-100 bucks to spend now.

When i put on the of the filter on the camera i could not fit the lens cap thing over the filter, it seems the filter is too deep. I know i read somewhere that the lens hood was made to be deep enough to fit a filter.

My queston is... should i send the filters back and get a set that fit with the hood, or is this normal for most filters.


can anyone recomend a polarizing and UV filter set in about the 50-100 dollar range.

Thanks guys

Sean Donnelly
April 5th, 2008, 09:43 AM
it is deep enough for a filter, but not a mounted pola. The B+W pola I have won't fit with the lens shade either.


Clark Peters
April 5th, 2008, 10:56 AM
I use a B+W Slim polarizing filter. It doesn't have threads on the front of the filter, but will fit under the hood.

Paul Curtis
April 6th, 2008, 04:15 AM
I got burnt big time with a B+W polo on the front of the EX, my old mattebox didn't fit so i grabbed the pola from my SLR as the screw thread was the same however i got massive flare and internal reflections at some angles. I think the included hood can't shade properly when there is a filter right on the end of the camera. I thought i was seeing flare on the LCD itself, but i realised too late that it was capturing that. Once i took the filter off i got better results without. Very annoying as obviously the best takes had it on!

So double check what you're seeing as it can flare in certain situations.


Attila Cser
April 6th, 2008, 09:20 AM
I use a B+W Slim polarizing filter. It doesn't have threads on the front of the filter, but will fit under the hood.

Pete, What is your experience with that filter?

Clark Peters
April 6th, 2008, 12:39 PM
I've had no problems with unintentional flare with the filter, but I am paranoid about light on the face of a lens. I don't depend on the lens hood when I'm shooting in the direction of a light source.

I use the multi-coated version of the filter. That might make a small difference. It, unfortunately, is well out of Brendan's budget range.
