View Full Version : The Hulk and the English-WARNING!
K. Forman July 10th, 2003, 01:30 PM I surf a lot of sites, and tend to get sidetracked by curious headlines. This is just one of those-,,2-2003310256,00.html?yhnws
Ed Smith July 10th, 2003, 01:49 PM You have to laugh at those sort of stories. :-)
But just think, the movie just got some free publicity. And now you posting here has given it even more publicity.
Got any more Keith?
All the best,
K. Forman July 10th, 2003, 02:17 PM Ed- You'd be surprised at what I find! I have always been a comic fan since early on, so I have been following this new trend of Superhero movies with great interest. I have also been keeping tabs on all of the other comics that are bound for the big screen, most of which the general public don't know about yet. That is how I found that little gem.
Ironman, The Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider are all coming out over the next couple of years.
Mark Moore July 10th, 2003, 03:51 PM That's was a great article! Thanks for passing it on.
I too grew up on comics and have watched the progression of comic book-movies coming out. But I've been a bit disappointed. I haven't seen THE HULK yet (thought the trailers looked bad). I liked DAREDEVIL 'ok', and thought SPIDERMAN was good.
I'm just not sure how the others will be. I can only keep my fingers crossed (and pray!) that they will do them justice!
K. Forman July 10th, 2003, 04:30 PM I did see the Hulk, and was mildly dissapointed. Once again, they reinvented a storyline, and missed the mark. The worst part about it was, they spent a good portion of the film trying to tell the new story, and had very little of the Hulk. I also was unimpressed with the multiview split screens.
Daredevil was a bit better, because they remained truer to the storyline that was originally established. I'm just not sure which was sillier, Ben Affleck's haircut, or the costume.
Spiderman was the best of the three, as there was little deviation as well.
Ghost Rider has Nicholas Cage cast in the starring role, but again, I feel they will tinker with the story. But Nick Cage rocks.
George Clooney is whom the Director wants to star as Mr. Fantastic in the Fantastic Four. However, the character of Dr. Doom is being completely redone, so who knows.
And finally, there is no script yet, but they have expressed an interest in Tom Cruise as Tony Stark/Ironman. Again, we'll have to wait and see.
Matt Betea July 10th, 2003, 04:48 PM Haven't seen "The Hulk" and I don't plan too. But did they show this infamous "willy" in the movie? <g> I wonder why they would include it on a doll then.
For me, Tim Burton's BATMAN was the only recent superhero movie I cared for (besides Superman ). It seemed that the studio thought it was too "dark" for the Batman theme. You can definitely see a shift in the second one, Batman Returns. Shrek must be the highest payed CG character ever. He must have made a pretty penny playing the Hulk.
K. Forman July 10th, 2003, 05:05 PM No Mark, there was no giant green willy in the movie. As far as Batman goes, I agree it was a great movie. The fact that it was so dark is what made it great. It totally fit the original Dark Knight story. Of course, it didn't take them long to ruin it.
On the bright side, they are currently working on a new Batman movie, which will be a Year One origin type. Ashton Kutcher (Kelso from That 70's Show) was rumored to be the top choice for the role. Fortunately, it was just a rumor. Whew!
Hally Barry has also signed on to play lead role of Catwoman in a movie that is soon to be released. Ought to be cool.
Matt Betea July 10th, 2003, 05:16 PM <<<-- Originally posted by Keith Forman : No Mark, there was no giant green willy in the movie. As far as Batman goes, I agree it was a great movie. The fact that it was so dark is what made it great. It totally fit the original Dark Knight story. -->>>
I completely agree with that. Hey, do you know of any work going on with Superman Lives? I remember hearing somethings about it a couple years ago. Since then I haven't heard anything.
K. Forman July 10th, 2003, 05:30 PM There is a new Superman movie in the works. Johnathon Frakes from Star Trek Next Generation was rumored to be onboard as Director. However, in a recent interview, he says " I would love to do it, but nobody has asked me."
It seems that is another of the many having problems getting off the ground, along with Captain America, Wonder Woman, and Silver Surfer.
Nigel Moore July 11th, 2003, 03:56 AM Don't forget X-Men...although it wasn't as good as some mentioned (notably the first Batman).
Not quite in the superhero genre, but comic stories brought to celluloid, if you haven't seen The Rocketeer and The Sadow, do yourselves a favour and ractify the situation.
I always wondered what happened to the Silver Surfer....that was my favourite Lee creation.
K. Forman July 11th, 2003, 05:10 AM Vin Diesel has voices an interest as the Silver Surfer.
As far as X Men, I had forgotten about them... It wasn't too bad, but the characters are all a bit one dimensional. Not to mention, they have also gone with the cartoon storyline, instead of the comics, which was much better.
The Rocketeer was thoroughly enjoyable, but I never read the comic. I have no way of knowing how it compared.
The Shadow is a different story all together. While I never read the comics, I have heard recordings from the radio show. The story wasn't bad, but the acting was.
And if you are going to hold those omiisions against me, what about the Phantom? Released a few years ago with Billy Zane in the lead role? The story was very good, and fairly faithful. The acting was o.k. All in all, I seem to have enjoyed it more than the critics did. They are also making plans for a new Phantom movie, set in more modern times.
Matt Stahley July 11th, 2003, 06:17 AM >" And finally, there is no script yet, but they have expressed an interest in Tom Cruise as Tony Stark/Ironman."<
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Tony Stark Afro-American?
K. Forman July 11th, 2003, 08:38 AM No, Tony Stark is a white, industrial billionaire playboy with a bad heart and a drinking problem.
And the Kingpin was originally white, but the new Daredevil movie changed that with little trouble. Michael Clark Dunston did a wonderful job in that role.
Mark Moore July 11th, 2003, 09:23 AM I forgot about MCD's role as Kingpin. I agree he did a great job. In fact, I like about everything he has done.
Ving Rhames could have pulled it off too, I believe.
K. Forman July 11th, 2003, 09:44 AM The character of Kingpin required a very huge person. While Vhing is a big guy, he lacked the bulk. Michael Clark Dunston actually added a lot of weight and muscle mass to fill the role.
K. Forman July 11th, 2003, 09:48 AM By the way- For those that are Spiderman fans, MTV is airing the premiere of it's new Spiderman animated series tomorrow night at 10:00. It is supposed to be a very well done CG animation, with movie quality scripts, and very violent. Not for kiddies.
As I no longer have cable, I will have to wait for someone to tape it for me.. Hint, hint, wink, wink, nudge, nudge ;)
Nigel Moore July 11th, 2003, 10:08 AM <<<-- Originally posted by Keith Forman : Vin Diesel has voices an interest as the Silver Surfer. ..... And if you are going to hold those omiisions against me, what about the Phantom? -->>>
I did think of the Phantom, but didn't think it shaped up too well compared to the Rocketeer and Shadow (funnily enough).
Vin Diesel as Surferdood? I'm beginning to lose interest! I only saw xXx on a trans-Atlantic flight and, IMO, it's one of the few films that's been improved by the tiny screen and appalling sound quality :-D
K. Forman July 11th, 2003, 10:51 AM I thought xXx was rather cliche, but as a GenX type James Bond, it wasn't as bad as some of the other releases I've seen. I couldn't see Vin as Silver Surfer either. But it isn't as scary as Ashton Kutcher playing Batman!
Matt Stahley July 11th, 2003, 01:12 PM IMHO you cant beat the 70s live action Spiderman. Remember the fishing net web he shot? Also had a small role on the Electric Company(though probably a different actor).Dont forget the other comic films. Capt. America, The Flash,Punisher and Swamp Thing!
K. Forman July 11th, 2003, 01:38 PM Actually, I'm doing my best to forget those. The only one that was worth watching was the Flash, but that didn't last long.
Let's go over the list of failed past attempts-
Spiderman (Good idea, bad production)
The Hulk (Which guest starred Daredevil and Thor)
Swamp Thing ( Actually had a decent run)
The Flash (Should have done better- The costume alone was a large investment)
Dr. Strange (Awful acting, worse FX)
Wonder Woman ( The TV show stunk, and the Movie was pretty good)
The Punisher (Totally bashed by both critic and fans alike)
Fantastic Four (Only a few shots were done to keep the license, never finished)
Capt. America (3 of them made, half of a decent story amongst them)
All of these, except possibly the Flash, are being discussed as movie properties, or have been remade as big budget movies. The problem with the early versions, was bad scripting, awful effects, and low budget. With the opening of Batman and Superman, big budget Superhero movies were on a comeback.
Then Marvel made Blade into a high budget, action packed winner. It already has one sequel, another on the way. Then came Spiderman and the X Men. Spiderman more than made up for the 70's attempt. The Punisher is currently in production in Tampa, and should have all that the original lacked.
I welcome the world of big budget fantasy!
K. Forman July 15th, 2003, 07:28 AM For those who have expessed an interest, Screenwriter Miles Millar recently said in an interview, that the script for Ironman is halfway finished. If things go smooth, they may actually have the movie out by the end of next year.