View Full Version : titler

Renton Maclachlan
April 2nd, 2008, 01:28 PM
I haven't done anything fancy with titles so far and haven't looked in depth at the protitler in vegas yet. I have poked my nose in though but it doesn't shout at me that that it is easy to use, nor does it 'invite' me in to be creative.

On recommend from a few threads I last night downloaded BluffTitler, which does invite me in and does look easy to use.

Do any have comments to make about these two when compared?

Don Bloom
April 2nd, 2008, 03:41 PM
Well I don't use the Protitler in Vegas since I'm still working in version 6 but i do use and highly recommend Bluff. It's a very easy program to use and allows for a whole lot of creativity. can also make you pull your hair out if you'r using a lot of layers and forget where you are but overall I like it a lot.
I'm sure though that the Protitler in Vegas is a very powerful titler (at least compared to what it was in earlier versions) but I can't really speak about since as I said I don't use it.


David Hadden
April 2nd, 2008, 03:42 PM
I use em both, but the ProType Titler is beyond any doubt an easy efficient tool IMO, ok, it doesn't hurt to have a little training on it to understand some of the new parts of it, but that's what I go to VASST for. has a great ProType Titler DVD I'd highly suggest for this, (it has had some very good comments on this and other forums) I like to support those that take the time to help out those of us on forums here and everywhere as Douglas Spotted Eagle does.

Also, it's good to note that they're really 2 entirely different beasts. Bluff Titler is 3D and is not a straight titler ( I wouldn't use it for making lower thirds text etc... ) and the ProType Titler is definitely not a 3D titler, they both have their place, but I certainly use the Sony titler a lot more than Bluff.


Ray Johnston
April 4th, 2008, 08:52 AM
I recently upgraded to Vegas 8b primarily for multicam and the pro-titler. The pro-titler has a longer learning curve than just about anything else in Vegas, but it is a powerful tool. The first several times I looked at it, I was just left scratching my head, and I wasn't sure if it was really any good. I had to dissect several of the canned titles in the program to start understanding it all. The user interface seems "different" than anything else in Vegas.

I've encountered a bug or two along the way. For example, if you bring up the canned titles in the preview window in the titler, you have to close the titler and re-open it again to get the selection window out of the preview. Maybe someone here can tell me if I'm doing something wrong here. I have also had it crash Vegas once.

Despite this, the cascading sequences in pro-titler is a pretty cool why to make dynamic text. And just like the regular static titles in Vegas, it's easy to make as many layers as you need. It's also fairly easy (once you get the hang of it), to make multi-line titles. The hierarchical setup allows you to control the text box -> lines of text -> words -> characters, with controls for each set.