View Full Version : Wedding Clip to Share

Art Varga
April 2nd, 2008, 07:33 AM
Here's the last chapter of a recent wedding project I just completed. It was my first attempt at doing a little time shifting. The father daughter dance is at the end because thats where I thought it felt right emotionally ( I know the family and there is some more background here). I sprinkled in some love story footage and then closed with a short reprise. Let me know what you think. Also, this is my first post on vimeo. Let me know how it plays.


Monday Isa
April 2nd, 2008, 08:32 AM
Art your clip is set to private set it to public

Art Varga
April 2nd, 2008, 10:23 AM
oops -now public


Monday Isa
April 2nd, 2008, 10:51 AM
Hey Art. Over all the clip is good. I know the client will be happy with it. There's a few things you really need to get a hang on. I'm not sure what your using for a tripod but if it's not a fluid head your really killing your production value. Many times through out your clip your tripod was to stiff and you forced the movement and it really gives it a very bad feel. Next watch your framing as you film. It's good over all just at the reception everything was to high, remember the rules of thirds. The nice thing is that rule can broken especially when you have a emotional clip that you need to put in. I learned that from members here on this board. Were you allowed to use lights at the reception? It seemed like you were for the toast and speaking parts just not the dance parts. A very good positive point is your story telling in the clip as very good, it kept me watching the clip till the end. Sometimes I force myself to watch many clips to the end but few I don't have to and yours was one of them because of the story telling and editing. One more thing try to cut out that zoom to the daughter and father dance. Thanks for sharing use this job as a means to continue to get better as I'm very positive you well. Take Care


P.S. was very nice to watch in HD

Art Varga
April 2nd, 2008, 11:33 AM
Thanks for the feedback Monday- I know I need to work a lot on the framing focus and lighting. And yes my B cam was on a cheap tripod which I shouldn't even be trying to pan with. I did use a 20w on-camera light for some of the reception but it doesn't do much after you get more that 10 feet away. I'm thinking of investing in a softbox or some other more substantial light.


Jim OBrien
April 2nd, 2008, 12:23 PM
Nice clip. My one recommendation would be to slow down on the zooms during the more emotional scenes like the parent's dance. Take your time on those, there's no need to rush. Save the quick zooms for the fun/upbeat scenes if your going to do those.

SiuChung Leung
April 2nd, 2008, 02:11 PM
is clear that you put a lot of effort into this clip, I am sure the family would love to see that. I have to say I like the clip and color is great, especially the outdoor footage.

however, I am not a big fan of old-film effect, it seem doesn't match with other pictures. So i would change it to black and white rather than old-film.

P.S. is great to watch your video in HD

Ethan Cooper
April 2nd, 2008, 02:23 PM
I've tried cutting back on critiquing other's work cause we all do it different, and we all have different clients, target audiences, and philosophies. That being said, I think a good rule of thumb for all of us in this field is to watch out for the trap of using an effect just because we have it in the arsenal. I fall into this trap myself from time to time.

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.