Stephen Eastwood
April 1st, 2008, 02:13 PM
How can I get the look of having a camera frame in the shot, so I can show where the camera frame is seeing and shooting? Sort of like you are seeing what I am seeing through the camera even though there is more around it. I am sure you have seen this before, its not creative or new, lots of movies also show you looking through a snipers scope which is the same effect, only round.. it would be a layer I guess on top of the video like an overlay. And are there any places that have those templates or do I need to make my own in photoshop?
Paul Del Vecchio
April 1st, 2008, 03:14 PM
Are you talking about a square sorta black box around the video?
Something like this?
This was done all in Vegas 8 but you can do it in pretty much any version.
Stephen Eastwood
April 2nd, 2008, 10:00 AM
no more like a small camera frame in the center of the whole frame, so you see the outline of what I am seeing in camera plus the whole scene behind it.
Kim Olsson
April 2nd, 2008, 12:14 PM
You have to find and buy, or if you have your own graphics...
Search from different royaltyfree stock arts....
maybe they have something you could use as layer to make it look like your inside/behind the camera?
then put it over you video in a new track, remove blackness or whatever color th graphic is using to see "throw" it...
srry my english, me from sweden...