View Full Version : In praise of Raynox (lense shopping)

Scott Brickert
March 31st, 2008, 10:35 AM
I've been shopping for more glass for the V1U, both wide and telephoto, and discovered these pages which probably you knew about but I'd not seen them referenced before. In particular, Raynox has done a great job of posting actual stills and footage from an FX7, as well as technical details and caveats to their products' performance. It's closer to Full Disclosure than most manufacturers are willing to go.

Raynox FX7/V1 offerings:
specs (
images and footage (

Schneider/Century offers this info: FX7/V1 page (

I ended up ordering the

.3x semi-fisheye (MX-3062PRO)
.5x WA (XL-5000PRO) it's a clip-on, wonder how it will work
.7x WA (HD-7062PRO)
1.54x tele (DCR-1540PRO) this lens looked the most promising of the lot.

I'm headed to Costa Rica for a real estate promo shoot--plenty of land, sea, jungle, birds, flowers and people, plus an ultralight flight and possibly a boat ride. Its-a-l'il-nuts...

Hugh Mobley
March 31st, 2008, 10:35 PM
I have the raynox 7062 wide, only good up to 70% zoom, after that forget it. and I get sunspots everytime I use it on a sunny day. even with a sun shield. but it will have its use I'm sure, I'm glad it didn't cost too much

Seth Bloombaum
April 1st, 2008, 09:20 AM
I'm also a fan of the 7062, great for the price.

I only ever use it indoors - seems like I'm always needing to get a wide shot that covers most of the room, it is very helpful for this.

Agreeing with Hugh, there will be some strange glows in highlight areas when you zoom in with this adaptor, usually unacceptable. Most often, I use it on full wide and it stays parked at full wide - great for this use.

Please post back when you've used the ".5x WA (XL-5000PRO)". I had a nice .55x for a previous camera, interested to know how the 5000PRO works on the V1.

Jeff Kolada
April 11th, 2008, 08:01 AM
I have the raynox .3x fisheye for v1u, I use it for freestyle rollerblading videography, and the only thing I don't like about it is that you get a pretty distinct blur anywhere but the dead center of your image. I assume that's the same with any fisheye lens, but if someone can shoot me a full screenshot of something shot with the century death lens on a v1u I would greatly appreciate it.

Pietro Impagliazzo
May 31st, 2008, 03:34 PM
I'm also a fan of the 7062, great for the price.

I only ever use it indoors - seems like I'm always needing to get a wide shot that covers most of the room, it is very helpful for this.

Agreeing with Hugh, there will be some strange glows in highlight areas when you zoom in with this adaptor, usually unacceptable. Most often, I use it on full wide and it stays parked at full wide - great for this use.

Please post back when you've used the ".5x WA (XL-5000PRO)". I had a nice .55x for a previous camera, interested to know how the 5000PRO works on the V1.

However, Raynox themselves don't recommend the 7062 for zoom through.

They recommend the HD6000 PRO that has a 0.79X factor and costs like 500 bucks.

The quality is awesome, but for 500 bucks you can get the Sony one with the hood (0.8X and also 500 buck-ish).

I just received my 7062, I've never handled separate piece of glass before, and I'm in love haha, It's pretty cool.

I'm going to do some tests with the 7062 as soon as the clouds and rain go away.