View Full Version : Focus lost after repower

Jacob Nielsen
March 30th, 2008, 10:23 AM
When in non-manual mode (slider in front) - whenever I switch my camera on, the focus is always in the closest setting as default, no matter which focus setting it was left from before powering it off. Anyone else experience this behaviour? It's kind of annoying to always refocus from closest focus setting despite having been in normal shooting range just before you left for a break.


Steven Thomas
March 30th, 2008, 10:55 AM
It's probably normal, just like the apeture closes when powering off.

Also myself, I could care less where I left focus the last time I used it before shutting the camera off. I realize you feel different. I'm sure others may agree with you.

I do see your point that you're on the other side of your focal point.

Leonard Levy
March 30th, 2008, 11:02 AM
It's probably a good safety feature because you never know when some prankish young PA will take the opportunity to screw with you behind your back.

I remember being on a 35mm feature when we put clothespins on the mattebox in front of the lens on on a telephoto shot. The Operator never even noticed and shot the whole scene that way. Made no difference actually.
Now that's low DOF.

Bill Ward
March 30th, 2008, 03:27 PM
One of the favorite PA games in my world of cable shooting seems to be: "Pin the clothespin on the Producer," where they attempt to see how many C-47s they can surreptitiously attach to the producer before he/she notices.

D@mn kids these days...;}

Of course, when I then NEED a C-47 to tighten up a piece of gel, are there any at hand? Noooooo......