View Full Version : Cokin Filters

Steve Shirvington
March 28th, 2008, 02:56 PM
I have the Century 2x Teleconverter and would like to add more ND filters without having to resort to a Matte Box which is quite an expensive item. Has any one had experience in using the Universal Ring by Cokin which screws to the outside of the Century then a "P" series filter holder added to that plus a Cokin Modular head.
What size adaptor ring would I need to fit on the universal ring so as the filter holder can be fixed ?.
Which ND filters would be more appropriate, gradual or just plain ND?
Or would it be better in the long run to splash out on the Matte Box

Thanks All For Any Advice

David L. Holmes
March 28th, 2008, 05:43 PM
I use the Cokin system and really like it for it's simplicity, value, and great results.

I don't own the 2x converter, but I do have the 16:9 adaptor, which has no threading on the front of the lens. The universal adaptor (P486) will attach to the outside of the 2x lens and will allow the modular hood for the "P" series to snap on. A nice plus is you can get a lens cap that fits into the modular hood, so you can leave your 2x lens permanently attached!

The filters work great, but I'm not sure about the gradual filters with the 2x converter. I've not tried the gradual filters with my 16:9 adaptor yet, but I think there will be some effect with the adaptor, but there should not be a problem with a simple 2x converter.

Attached is a picture of my camera with the Cokin filter assembly attached to the front. I also added 1 lens hood to try to keep out stray light. Not bad for less then $50.00 :)

Good luck!

Steve Shirvington
March 29th, 2008, 12:25 AM
Thanks for your help Dave, but I'm still a little confused.

The universal ring will slide over the x2 teleconverter and will tighten to the lens via screws.
How does the filter carrier attach to this?, does it simply slide on or do I need to purchase another adaptor ring, if so what what dia would this be.
Sorry for sounding thick

Thanks for your patience

David L. Holmes
March 29th, 2008, 08:55 AM
Hello Steve,

The adaptor ring has a groove milled into the side that the Modular Hood attaches to. The filters then slide into the slots on the Modular Hood.

All you need is the Universal Adaptor Ring, the Modular Hood, and some filters!

If the front of the 2x convertor (or any other lens attachement) is threaded, then skip the universal ring and find the exact dia ring for the Hood. Ex: the front of the GL2 is threaded for a 58mm filter, so you can buy the P458 adaptor ring. But since I have attached aftermarket bits to the front of my lens that has no threads, I now have to use the Universal Ring.

Any more questions, or pics let me know!


Steve Shirvington
March 29th, 2008, 09:16 AM
Hi Dave,
Once again thanks for your help. The Century Tele x2 does have a thread at the big end its 80mm, unfortunately there isn't an adaptor ring that size in the Cokin range, hence the universal adaptor.
I just wasn't quite sure how the filter holder attached to the universal ring, which quite clear now, thanks to your explanation.

Cheers for now