View Full Version : Save Still Image but...

Craig Kendall
March 27th, 2008, 09:17 AM
I'm wanting to save several still images from clips, but don't want to have to put them on the timeline. Maybe it's simple, but I can't find it. Is there any other way to save a still from say the trimmer without adding the clip to the timeline?

Don Bloom
March 27th, 2008, 10:28 AM
place the cursor on the timeline over the frame you want to save. Set the preview to BEST >FULL. Click on the disk icon on the top of the preview screen. Direct it to save where you want it. Click SAVE. Done!
Remember the freeze frame will probably be 72dpi so if you plan on doing anything with it you might want to bring it into your photo editor (Photoshop or the like) and up it to say 300dpi.


Craig Kendall
March 27th, 2008, 10:36 AM
Thanks for the instructions, but is that only possible from the main edit timeline/preview window?

I don't want to have to drag an entire clip to the timeline just to capture a single frame from it.

Is there no way to do it from the trimmer? Or somewhere else that doesn't require dragging the clip to the main timeline?

Does that make sense?

Don Bloom
March 27th, 2008, 04:14 PM
I never use the trimmer but IIRC (actually I just threw a clip into the trimmer) there is not a way to do that. The frame has to be viewed at full res in the preview monitor.


Graham Bernard
March 28th, 2008, 12:55 AM
Place Clip in Trimmer and use the Preview "Save Snapshot to File . . " Icon. Works for me? Not what you want?

I'm guessing that the way Vegas is laid out is that the Trimmer is concerned and concentrates on actual selection of Audio and Video slices and trimming the clip or trimming pieces thereof. The Preview Window allows for Previewing and here we/I can Preview stuff and thence capture a previewed frame of video, where it be either on the main Timeline OR within the Trimmer.

Personally I like having some "order" to where I can find and use Vegas Tools.

Now, it would be also useful to have a "preferred" link to a often used graphics package. We have it in DVDA and on another tack, in Vegas we have a link to a preferred Audio editor - be good to have the same - yeah? Meaning how about Save Image and right click on saved image - now in Project Media pane - and up pops your graphics package to edit it and then have THAT image be returned back to VEgas either in the PM pane OR as another "take" up there on the timeline.

