View Full Version : Good Wireless Mic for Sony PMW-EX1

Simon Frances
March 27th, 2008, 02:37 AM

I have a Sony PMW-EX1 and I’m trying to decide on a wireless Mic system, I’m new to audio and have used the Sennheiser EW-112P G2 Radio Mic system in the past on about three occasion without good results. I seem to pick up a lot of background noise i.e. air conditioners etc…

Can anyone recommend a good system; I’m doing interviews both inside and out on busy streets.
Thanks in advance,


Collis Davis
April 1st, 2008, 08:47 PM

I am not sure the problem with air conditioner noise is the fault of the Sennheiser wireless equipment. More likely, the problem could be caused a variety of other factors:

1. Directionality of your mic: Ideally, if it is a lavalier type, then it should be a unidirectional type; omni-directional mics might be prone to picking up more of the environment than you prefer.

2. Placement of the mic may contribute to picking up more of the environment than the speaker. If it is too low relative to the speaker's mouth, it is likely to pick up undesirable noise.

As for equipment, I recommend ATW-101U or their new, dual channel system, the ATW-1800 series. The trouble with the ATW-101U series is that the receiver is power hog. So rather than put up with quickly dying 9-volt batteries, I opt to power the receiver with a battery belt or ac-to-12 volt dc converter. A low-powered receiver means drop outs on your audio signal.

Collis Davis

Steve House
April 2nd, 2008, 03:52 AM
Cardioid mics for a lavelier can also present problems as the talent will have a tendency to go off mic with every little head turn. 99% of the lavs used in film and video dialog recording are omni. The best solution to air conditioner noise is to turn the system off while you're rolling.