View Full Version : Should 2nd Sony UWP unit be on a different channel?

Mark Sudfeldt
March 26th, 2008, 03:36 AM
I have a Sony UWP unit but have just bought another to offer a few more audio options. . . . I'm filming mainly weddings. My supplier wanted to know the Channel number(66/67) of my unit when I ordered the new one because he said the new one should be on a different frequency to avoid problems. I presumed that meant obtaining the 62 channel unit but the new one that arrived today is on the same channels as the old(66/67). When I queried the supplier about it he said "no problem, simply select another frequency in the same band area".

I can see how that would work but wouldn't the better solution be to have both units on different channels as I(and he) originally envisaged?


Seth Bloombaum
March 26th, 2008, 10:37 AM
I'd say you got the right channel group.

Here's why -
* there are 24 frequencies in your group with good channel spacing, more like 80 frequencies total. Your new system should have come with a freq chart with suggested spacing, or PM me for a copy. Meaning, you have plenty of freqs to choose that won't interfere with each other.

* if you ever have an equipment failure, the rest of your gear still works together. If you ever have application for 1 transmitter 2 receivers on the same freq your gear works together.

* if you need a hand-mike or a plug-on transmitter, whatever you buy will work with both receivers.


Mark Utley
March 26th, 2008, 06:17 PM
I regularly shoot 2-camera interviews with one person miced and put receivers on both cameras. Very handy in post!