Bill Grant
March 25th, 2008, 09:31 PM
So this is probably still not scientific enough for some :) you know, no charts or anything, but this is the kind of thing that will help me. The only camera I have now is the A1, the FX1 has gone back to its daddy. This is self explanatory I hope, but testing a low light preset with 60i vs. 24f. Not really conclusive but I seem to like the 24 better... Whatya think?
Marcel D. Van Someren
March 25th, 2008, 10:04 PM
Can't view the clip. It says it "Protected" and "Private"
Bill Grant
March 25th, 2008, 10:24 PM
Sorry about that, it is fixed.
Bo Sundvall
March 28th, 2008, 02:58 PM
What made most impression on me is how you did to make her do all those tests and still smiling at the end!
I've done some testing myself but never been really pleased yet. If I have an advice, it must be to try to stay out of gain higher than 6db as it will create a lot of noise. There are low light presets in the Custom Presets Download Library that can be useful. Another advice can be to try to avoid NR1 as it creates ghosting, at least when set to Medium/High.
Brian Morris
March 28th, 2008, 07:56 PM
Was that your wife Bill? You seriously owe her a night out!
Did you try to CC any of the footage to add a little contrast to the +12db and +18db footage? At +18db it was getting a little milky.
Thanks for the test footage. I know you are shooting tomorrow. I am excited to hear how it turns our and what your "real world" experiences are.
Bill Grant
March 28th, 2008, 08:10 PM
That was acutally a good friend of ours that works at the church. She was one of our '06 brides ( ) , and a really good sport. The tests didn't take more than about 4 minutes believe it or not, so it wasn't as bad as it looked. I currently have about 9 presets that I've downloaded plus 3 or so more that I have gotten from users and even one I've created myself, so I know about presets believe me. The 18 db was using a lowlight preset that I got from a fellow dvinfo user just for 18db. I agree it does look a little milky but better than nothing. I had heard not to go above 6db but that just wouldn't be possible in that scenario. At 6db, you could tell there was a face there but no details. I might even resort to 18 if the need arose. I just got back from the rehearsal for tomorrow, and the good new is that it will be lit up like vegas in there. 2:00 in the afternoon, nothing but nice clear windows in the ceiling and nice white walls, lightwise, it should be keen. Thanks everyone for the interest, and we shall all prevail right?