View Full Version : Quartzcolor 575 HMI
John Jay July 8th, 2003, 11:38 AM Hi
Ive just aquired two open face Quartzcolor 575W HMI lampheads (5600 K daylight) and unfortunately one 575W Ballast and I have a few questions, so if anyone has the answers please do tell
1 Ive searched the Ianiro site but cant find any reference to these units, in particular I would like to obtain some user info and some safety/service/maintenance info too.
2 Can I run both lights off the Ballast using an adapter or are they strictly one lamp one Ballast?
3 The lampheads are fitted with hour meters, which makes me ask the question how long do the bulbs last? (they are very expensive to replace)
4 What Gels do I need to balance these HMI lights (5600K) with the other tungsten halogens (3600K) I own? - Video shoots only.
Rob Lohman July 16th, 2003, 06:52 AM Anyone?
Jacques Mersereau July 16th, 2003, 02:25 PM 1 Ive searched the Ianiro site but cant find any reference to these units, in particular I would like to obtain some user info and some safety/service/maintenance info too.
<Sorry, I've never heard of this brand before, so I can't help there>
2 Can I run both lights off the Ballast using an adapter or are they strictly one lamp one Ballast?
<If the ballast is only rated for 575W, only use one 575W light. You might
burn it out trying to get two to strike>
3 The lampheads are fitted with hour meters, which makes me ask the question how long do the bulbs last? (they are very expensive to replace)
<They should last (I'm guessing) between 2000 and 4000 hours if they are
good stuff. I would expect new lamps to cost $400+
4 What Gels do I need to balance these HMI lights (5600K) with the other tungsten halogens (3600K) I own? - Video shoots only.
< Going through my Lee filters swatch book
there are several depending on what you want. Lee 204 converts daylight
(5600 K) to 3200 K (Kelvin). 3200 K is generally hotter than most tungsten or
halogen lamps produce. Most Halogens will measure under 3200º at full burn.
Closer to 3000 or 2600.
Lee 236 converts HMI to tungsten.
Lee 204 is a full daylight to 3200 converter.
Lee 205 converts daylight to 3800º. L-206 knocks daylight to 4600K.
Lee 207 converts daylight to 3200 K and reduces light transmission 1 stop.
Lee 441 converts daylight to tungsten (3200K) with a "yellow bias mired shift
of +160>
John Jay July 17th, 2003, 05:42 PM thanks Jacques
Im really starting to like these units,
had a nice stuation the other day where i beamed them through a window from outside - a good sun substitute!
the bulbs are 575W/GS double ended which are the same as MARTIN MAC500, so I found a good discount from DJ lighting sources :)
Jacques Mersereau July 17th, 2003, 06:07 PM I bet you like using HMI. I'm envious.
Tell us more . . . like how much they cost, whether they have
"hot strike" capability, the quality of manufacture etc.
Details Mon, details!
I have wanted some HMI fixtures for quite a while, but just have not been
able to pony $10K for a couple of "small" (1.2K) ones (Arri, Joker, Mole).
When I talked with the owner of Joker, he said that 800W was
about the smallest that would keep up with the sun as a back light.
John Jay July 18th, 2003, 02:55 PM Jacques
I hadn't used HMI before I got these units, so you may laugh because when I turned one of the lamps on I thought something was wrong since the light output was pathetic
then about 10 sec later whooosh a blinding light - I literally couldn't see for about ten minutes - so they do take in all about 15 sec to max output
the light quality is awesome - outdoors the light looks white not yellow as with tungsten and has a rich softness as opposed to tungsten which I would describe as thin and sharp
as for intensity about the same as a 2kw blonde
the reflector is a deep parabola which means at spot it is very intense and the lamp throw is about 4in to flood
they are fitted with safety glass and mesh and 4leaf barndoors on a speed ring
build quality is excellent mainly aluminium, much better than my Berkeys, and have colour coded red/green off/on press buttons at the rear of the lamphead
the ballast is a heavy affair in an aluminium box and I think is electronic rather than magnetic, there is hum which is just noticeable at 2 metre, so the 15m ballast cable is a must so is close mic-ing. Connection is heavy duty multi pin multi core
the ballast has three colour coded amber/red/green earth/off/on buttons - the amber button is a safety feature which you must press to illuminate it for an earth check - if it doesnt glow the rig is not earthed properly and will not operate - nice and a potential life saver!
I got them in used condition and when I get time will strip them down and build them up again with a fresh lick of paint - this way I will know they are safe
(I would recommend this to anyone getting used lighting -especially lampholders which need to be replaced if serious wear or melting of insulation has occurred - you have been warned)
as for price - lets just say i got the bargain of the year :)
- you would scream with envy if you knew
I have some pix I could mail you if interested.
Jacques Mersereau July 18th, 2003, 08:05 PM <<<-- Originally posted by John Jay-->>>
>>then about 10 sec later whooosh a blinding light - I literally couldn't see for >>about ten minutes - so they do take in all about 15 sec to max output
Hey, you shouldn't be looking at HMI or metal halide as they warm up. Very
high Ultra Violet output that can damage eyes.
>>the light quality is awesome - outdoors the light looks white not yellow as >>with tungsten and has a rich softness as opposed to tungsten which I >>would describe as thin and sharp
Yup, that's why they use them in movie making . . . sigh, wish I had some.
>>as for intensity about the same as a 2kw blonde
That sounds right . . . about 4X the lumen output of tungsten.
>>I got them in used condition and when I get time will strip them down and >>build them up again with a fresh lick of paint - this way I will know they are >>safe
>>lampholders which need to be replaced if serious wear or melting of >>insulation has occurred - you have been warned)
Are you talking about "porcelain socket" that holds the lamp
or, as the british would say, the "leads" (wires)?
>>as for price - lets just say i got the bargain of the year :)
>>- you would scream with envy if you knew
Probably, but hey, congrats on making a good purchase.