View Full Version : IR port in Vista

Charles King
March 25th, 2008, 08:08 AM
Does anyone know how to activate the IR port in Vists? I'm trying to find where to do this but can't seem to find it. I have a laptop that has one. Thanks.

John Miller
March 25th, 2008, 10:35 AM
Which laptop is it? I have a Dell Latitude D620 and I can't even activate in on XP...

Have you checked to see if there's a BIOS setting to enable/disable it?

Charles King
March 25th, 2008, 04:09 PM
I have a HP HDX9050 The bios...I forgot about that...I'll check it out tomorrow. Thanks for the tip.

I see you have XP:

Try this:

1. Kontrolpanel

2. printer and other device

3. there is suppose to be a link that you click should saything like 'cordless connection'

4. test to see if the computer's IR port works by clicking on the 'devices'

5. then click on the 'IR' tab and put a check into the box next to the 'let other devices send files to your computer's IR port...'

Try it. if it works. I have vista so I cannot verify this procedure but you can.