View Full Version : Special need mike advice

Ervin Farkas
March 25th, 2008, 05:59 AM
We need to mike a couple of people doing a show on a big city busy street (on the sidewalk of course). Handheld and boom mikes are not what we want, because we want them to be invisible as much as possible, so they must be lapels.

I need advice on what lapel would pick up the least amount of street noise. Quality has to be good (it's TV production) but not insanely good, we need to stay below $1K per mike.

A super/hyper directional shotgun would also work... maybe - need input on that too.


Don Bloom
March 25th, 2008, 06:35 AM
Stay away from a Hyper -first it's not really a directional mic and 2nd it's going to get ALL the noise surrounding you.

Look at the AT1800 series with a nice Countryman or Tram or Sanken mic. The AT1800 is IMO a really nice unit and work very well. It has some very nice features. I'm quite happy with mine.
