View Full Version : Recommended UK Stores for DIY Dolly parts?

Luke Toyer
July 8th, 2003, 03:15 AM

I must first make the distinction, when I say Dolly, I don't mean the 'Tracking Dolly' on a track. I actually mean the 'Trolley Dolly' with the big pneumatic wheels.

I am interested in making a simple one for outdoor use (think pavements and other slightly uneven outdoor surfaces).

I have been to and it is very good, but all the materials links seem to lead to US stores such as 'Home Depot', etc.

Are there any UK DIY'ers out there who can recommend any stores offering 'tried and tested' parts for making Dollys?

If you have your own sites, please provide a link!


Rob Lohman
July 14th, 2003, 09:29 AM
I've had the same kind of problems here in The Netherlands. I'm
pondering on building a dolly that can go on track and have its
own wheels so it can be used both ways. I went to a city nearby
and checked out all of the big companies that sells stuff for people
who tinker with their own homes. They sell devices (like drills etc.),
wood, metal, wheels (even ones you can pump air into), lamps,
garden stuff, bathroom things etc.

Gonna return later to those shops to make some measurments
and photograph some wheels etc. so I can get going on my

I'm afraid that this is the best I can do!

Luke Toyer
July 15th, 2003, 02:48 AM
Thanks for your reply Rob!

Without wanting to provoke any controversy here with our talented craftspeople, it seems to me that the US have a far stronger culture of DIY than we do over here (Tim Allen's "Home Improvement" anyone?). We just dont seem to have these vast 'Home Depot'-style stores (at least I'm not aware of any).

Oh well, I might just buy a pre-made "Turntable Truck" from:

Then using my extensive handyman abilities (or lack thereof) to fashion it into a passable Dolly. I doubt it would rival that fine work on "", but it might just be enough to get that shot!!!

Good luck on making your Dolly Rob!! Let us know how you get on.



John Jay
July 15th, 2003, 04:41 AM
if you are near Costco they have a Garden Truck which is half the price of that which you mentioned

it has 4 pneu scooter type wheels .....

Luke Toyer
July 15th, 2003, 07:49 AM
Hey thanks for the tip John!!

Is it possible to browse the products on their website?

I can only seem to access the US version, which doesn't show the Garden Truck.



John Jay
July 15th, 2003, 02:50 PM
ref the site you listed if you go down and see the wire panel truck they have for about 165?

same at costco for 50 yes repeat 50

you owe me a drink

Luke Toyer
July 16th, 2003, 04:58 AM
I'll buy you two!!

That Costco sounds a lot like "Macro" wholesalers (except without the VAT registered requirement).

Might be worth joining up for buying general stuff, the saving from getting the Trolley there would cover the cost of joining immediately!!!

Next time I'm in Cheshire, I'll look you up and get you down the Pub!!!

