View Full Version : Premiere Cs3 question

David Kovalev
March 19th, 2008, 07:37 PM
I have adobe premiere cs3 and I'm encountering a minor problem. I'll apply affects and transitions on my clips and sometimes when I re open my project, the transitions and effects are there but they do not show like they aren't there. If i click on it (turn the effect off then back on) then it starts to work... my question is... doesn anyone know what the problem is? Any body might know what it could be?


Jiri Fiala
March 20th, 2008, 04:11 PM
It happened to me one time, I blamed it on my Matrox RTX2 which likes to do weird errors just like this... Do you have RTX2? It didn't go away even when imported to a new project.

Bart Walczak
March 25th, 2008, 05:55 AM
Actually it is not a minor problem. For me it is a major problem. It happened to me as well. I found no other solution than to export this sequence and work in a different project. Really, really nasty bug. You cannot copy/paste, you cannot open in another project. It is as if the whole sequence is corrupted. It also does not remeber your render files and forces you to re-render.

The only way around was to use sleep instead of turning my computer off and exporting the sequence when it was finished.

Jiri Fiala
March 25th, 2008, 11:53 AM
As always, all who experienced this kind of issue, please go to

and file a bug report. This is the best way to express our issues with Premiere.