View Full Version : is hv30 [30fps] usable for NTSC/PAL conversion?

Lubomir Zvolensky
March 19th, 2008, 10:41 AM
guys, is 30fps on hv30 of any use for NTSC -> PAL conversion? In my country, PAL Canon camcorders are terribly expensive - around US$1700 is being asked for PAL HV30... and I'm playing with idea of importing NTSC version from US. Of course, that will bring another bunch of problems...

I'm most interested in quality of video and audio after conversion from NTSC 30fps to PAL 25fps or from 24fps to PAL 25fps. Anyone with experience? Any real examples to download and check?


George Angeludis
March 19th, 2008, 10:43 AM
Have you tried here?

Lubomir Zvolensky
March 19th, 2008, 03:48 PM
hello George,

yes I've tried Pixmania - the price dropped approx. $300 since last time I checked, about four days ago. Instead of $1700 it's little bit below $1300 now.

Although you have to understand that pixmania is something different than real shops - in case of failure/problems, you have to send their goods back to France or wherever and that will take some considerable time to resolve, costs more, is more complicated etc. Nonetheless, if the price drops $400 in four days... I'll postpone my buy for three weeks or month and then I'll get it for free :)

okej, back to track : anybody with real-world experience with slowing-down 30fps to PAL compatible 25fps? What about audio [should be ok, one second is one second regardless of how many fps it has], what about action scenes, fast pans, zooms etc?