View Full Version : IFB Setup for ENG Use

Brian Spatz
March 18th, 2008, 08:09 PM
I'm interested in acquiring some equipment for TV talking head interviews and reporter hits. I'm wondering what equipment people recommend for the IFB. I would ideally have access to two separate phone lines for guest and crew.

Greg Bellotte
March 18th, 2008, 09:04 PM
solutions run the gambit between a cell phone w/earbud(the lowest end), to something like a Studio Technologies Model 2 (midlevel-news/sat truck), to a full blown matrix intercom with standalone hybrids (telephone) or even broadband audio paths (ISDN/sat audio). all comes down to time/money...

key questions...

do YOU need to hear the feed the talent is listening to??

do YOU need to speak to the talent through this system??

do you need to add/mix additional audio to what presumably comes through the phone line?

Brian Spatz
March 19th, 2008, 03:37 PM
do YOU need to hear the feed the talent is listening to??

do YOU need to speak to the talent through this system??

do you need to add/mix additional audio to what presumably comes through the phone line?

I won't need to do any of this. I would, however, like the equipment to allow me to speak through the unit to whomever I dial into (ie not a listen-only unit.)

Greg Bellotte
March 19th, 2008, 09:23 PM
if you are dialing in, you are dialing a phone, right? most equipment i use can't dial. a phone is bridged on the line-make the call, verify the other end, then activate the ifb/coupler/hybrid unit. it holds the line open and you hang up the phone. or do you need more than this functionality?

Marco Leavitt
March 21st, 2008, 08:29 PM
Is thing helpful for want you to do? I'm not sure how it works to tell you the truth.