View Full Version : Belly laugh 'n gag reflex

John Locke
July 7th, 2003, 08:08 AM
What scenes (just scenes...not films) made you:

1. laugh the biggest belly laugh ever
2. worse than ever fight to supress the gag reflex, or look away, or change the channel because it was just too gross or hard to watch

K. Forman
July 7th, 2003, 08:18 AM
Funniest scene? I'm gonna git you sucka, when they are suiting up for the big battle. The one guy has guns under his arms, in his belt, in his boots, and a 30 cal machine gun with ammo belt wrapped around his arm. As they are leaving the warehouse, he slips on a cartridge, and flies feet up high and lands on his back, causing a chain reaction- every gun on him starts firing off... for several moments. Of course, I was also under the influence of the weed, which may have just prolonged the laughter that much more.

Zac Stein
July 7th, 2003, 08:49 AM
Keith, that one dude would be Issac Hayes, who was sort of reprising his role as Truck Turner.

I would have to say the scene that had be in tears, well scenes were... the "That's our Hitler" in the Producers, also from the Producers "Inga, go to work".

Another one that really almost fall over was the "you can't really dust for vomit" conversation from This is Spinal Tap.

Geez there is a lot of great comedy, my friend sent me the old Monty Python skit the other say "How Not to Be Seen" and i almost woke up my housemates from laughter.


Brian Wood
July 7th, 2003, 08:51 AM
I would have to say the scene from office space where they are destroying the printer by beating the hell out of it, that scene still cracks me up!

Keith Loh
July 7th, 2003, 09:34 AM
In HARAKIRI a samurai is forced to slit open his belly with a blunt bamboo sword. Yeeech.

K. Forman
July 7th, 2003, 10:03 AM
Gag scene? The crying game. Need I say more? Blood and guts don't bother me... unless its mine.

Dylan Couper
July 7th, 2003, 10:15 PM
Jackson's movie, Dead Alive, I think it was called here. There's a scene where everyone was sitting at dinner, and the old woman with the pus oozing sore on her arm squeezes it, and shoots a wad of bloody pus into someone else's custard, who then eats it.
I don't know what happened next, cause I was on my way to the bathroom. Didn't puke, but came close.

Funniest that I remember...
I guess I was in my early teens... Summer School, the scene where the two guys are at the zoo, and come out of the bunny house with fake rabbits tearing the flesh off their faces in front of the whole school.
Strange Brew... Drinking all the beer to keep from drowning, then peeing out the fire.

My favorite new comedy, perhaps Road Trip or Super Troopers, but I've never seen either without being under the influence of something or other...

K. Forman
July 8th, 2003, 05:06 AM
I may have to reprise the gag scene... I read about last nights Fear Factor, where they fed the contestants blood and bile pizza. Yech.

Mark Moore
July 8th, 2003, 06:31 AM
Gag scene?

For me, it has to be one of those stupid FACES OF DEATH videos that I watched when I was younger. It could have been ANY scene from that - but particularly the restaurant that served live monkey brains, after the patrons took little hammers and killed the monkey.


I'll have to think about that one, as there are so many good, funny scenes.

K. Forman
July 8th, 2003, 08:34 AM
I actually remember that one now. While it doesn't really gross me out, the Humane side of me is rather disgusted. And I'll stick to Burger King over exotic cuisine.