View Full Version : Help: About ready to give up on DR-60

Edwin Wilson
March 15th, 2008, 04:57 PM
Bought the DR-60 with a V1U understanding that the native support in FCP wasn't really there yet. Got hopeful when I started seeing (and then not seeing) the promised Sony plugin for log and transfer under 6.0.2. Well...

The mystery plugin (with no support page that I can find) does nothing; or I don't know how to use it. Setting it to video mode and trying to capture via firewire gives me no joy; in fact, it beachballs FCP until the DR-60 is turned off. Copying to the hard drive with the DR-60 in computer mode works, although very slow; but I have yet to find a combination in Mpeg Streamclip that looks decent. Have I purchased a $1200 brick?

Most of my shooting is done 1080p30 on the V1U. Any good quality settings in MPEG Streamclip anyone can suggest? I prefer to use ProRes; but I'll consider anything that works at this point. About the only thing I haven't tried yet is connecting it to the V1U and capturing via HDMI and an Intensity card.