View Full Version : HC-7: Where to stick wireless receiver?

Marc Burleigh
March 14th, 2008, 12:06 PM

I've got a HC-7 on the way as a second camera, and I was wondering whether anybody can tell me a canny way to secure a Sennheiser Evolution G2 radio mike receiver to the unit?

I use the receiver with my PD150, and just Velcro it to the handle, which works OK. But as real estate is at a premium on the HC7, I'm looking for ideas.

My options seem to be:

- sticking Velcro on the back of the batteries and having it hang off the back (the weight shouldn't be too much of a problem because I'll have a WA on the front, but I'm pretty sure it'll prevent me using the viewfinder, leaving only the LCD).

- maybe sticking Velcro on the back of the viewfinder, though am concerned it's not meant to take the weight of the receiver.

- or hanging it off the top (I have a shoe adapter and a two-branch support for a light and a shotgun).

As the cam's HD, I'll often have it on a tripod, so putting it underneath won't work (though I guess I could hook it to the tripod and get a longer cable to the camera?)

Anybody have experience in this?

Dave Blackhurst
March 14th, 2008, 01:44 PM
When I was using wireless with the small cams, I used a two shoe "L" Flash bracket - it has a tripod socket in the bottom of the camera screw, put a QR onto it, and you're good to go - also helps stabilize the small camera for better shots if you get one that is comfortable (personally don't like the commonly available ones with a funky angle to the handle, but they work...).

I use a pair of brackets (folding ones no less) bridged by a flat bracket to get a mini fig rig type setup, it's quite effective for "flying" type shots, as well as generally stabilizing handheld.

Second choice would be the top mount I would think, there's not enough real estate on the back end! These cameras a pretty small!

Marc Burleigh
March 14th, 2008, 04:39 PM
I'll look into that. Should work.