Rebecca Stern
March 13th, 2008, 10:44 AM
I just wanted to say this was a fun challenge and I really liked everyones entry.
View Full Version : hello Rebecca Stern March 13th, 2008, 10:44 AM I just wanted to say this was a fun challenge and I really liked everyones entry. Hugh DiMauro March 15th, 2008, 04:56 PM Where is everybody's feedback? I am honored to be the first. Okay, you made great use of the theme and this movie has a very "1960s" kinda fun feel to it. Very creative idea and the acting was cute. Overall I enjoyed this. I liked your lighthearted approach. I must say that your audio voice over background ambiance kicking in and out distracted me. If you listen closely you can hear the room hiss come and go. Repair that and you have a pretty polished movie! If this is your first, jolly good job, young lady! Robert Martens March 15th, 2008, 05:11 PM Oh, God, I just completely missed this thread, I'm sorry! Hugh's right about the audio, it was noticeable, but aside from that I thought this was a fun flick! She just stands up, perfectly innocent, everything's fine "...and she's bulimic." Then she spills it right on the grass? Great moment. I might have had the character deleted right in the middle of "bull..." if I were you. Not because I object to the language, I just think cutting her off while she's trying to speak would be the funniest way to go with that. Appropriately silly ending, though, a story about a tree. Not bad, not bad at all. Here's looking forward to your next DVC! Lorinda Norton March 16th, 2008, 11:45 PM Hi Rebecca, Don’t know if I’ve ever referred to a movie as “cute” before, but that’s how I saw this one. It had me smiling throughout; I liked the idea of the “sketchee” knowing how she was being sketched and having the ability to object. Of course, we all know what happens if the person at the controls gets ticked off! Nice job. Hope to see you in the next challenge. :) Tor-Atle Kindsbekken March 17th, 2008, 12:06 AM Lorinda just found the word I was looking for... this was sooo cute :-) An really excellent idea... and the scene where she's bulimic is simply hilarious ;-) Just my kind of humor ;-) I liked the way it was edited. There was really good timing on every single clip... all the way from beginning to end :-) Keep up the good work :-) Joseph Tran March 17th, 2008, 12:16 AM Ok, now I wanna hear about the tree... haha... Great work! Alex Chamberlain March 17th, 2008, 10:07 AM Whoops, I had wondered where the feedback thread for this piece was. I thought this was a fun idea and you communicated that idea effectively. I also noticed the audio issues (It's amazing how much of a video can boil down to audio, isn't it?), but I guess that's what this whole exercise is for. I look forward to seeing more entries from you! Bruce Broussard March 18th, 2008, 03:25 PM Very fun piece. I would also like to know about the tree (especially if the backspace key was used at the end). I enjoyed it. It made me laugh. Good effort. Only suggestions are like the others, try to get a little better audio and watch the editing to ensure the transitions are smooth. Jay Kavi March 18th, 2008, 09:38 PM Hey Rebecca, I really dug this one, it was one of my favorites. Clever idea and good execution. I have the same criticisms of the others, but keep up the good work! |