View Full Version : newby question
Eddie Pelfrey March 10th, 2008, 09:27 PM I am new to mac and to final cut express have been useing avid liquid
question: when i import video to fce i get full video and audio but when i move it to the timeline i lose audio?????
also is there a good place to get basic how to for fce
Victor Kellar March 10th, 2008, 10:15 PM Second question first: Google Tom Wolksy. I reccomend his FCE books. They come with tutorials
First Question: What format is your video? FCE is designed to only work with DV, HDV and (for FCE 4) AVCHD. Any other video formats (including MPEG4) should be converted to the above formats.
Almost sounds like your working with DV Stream or unmuxed MPEG2 if it is losing the audio. Not reccomended
Your sequence needs to match your video. So, if you are working with standard def DV, you need an Easy Setup of DV NTSC (or PAL).
Eddie Pelfrey March 10th, 2008, 10:36 PM it is dv shot with a cannon xl1s
i loaded a small clip from 1 tape works fine
tape 2 loads fine works fine just looses audio when moved to the timeline
Bryan Gilchrist March 11th, 2008, 01:03 PM If you play the clip without putting it on the timeline (ie. play it from the bin or in the preview window), do you hear the audio then?
Eddie Pelfrey March 11th, 2008, 10:22 PM yes
the only time there is no audio is when i move it to the time line.
i have tried putting it into the timeline a couple different ways same results
also the snapping feature does not work have turned it on in the menu and on the time line
Mike Barber March 12th, 2008, 12:15 AM the only time there is no audio is when i move it to the time line.
i have tried putting it into the timeline a couple different ways same results
Just to be sure of what you are experiencing, confirm that when you place a clip on the timeline, both the video and audio tracks appear on the timeline and that the audio channels are not muted.
Nick Weeks March 12th, 2008, 07:00 AM On your sequence in the bin, right click it (or ctrl+click) and go to "Settings..."
Make sure you are using the correct audio settings for your click, i.e. 16-bit or 12-bit. I've never had it lose audio when these don't match; it should render it, but you never know.
Also, on that same settings window, click the audio output tab at the top and make sure you have it set for two outputs and not zero
Hope this helps... I'm using FCP 5.1 so if you have 6 the settings might be a little different, but I'm not sure
Eddie Pelfrey March 12th, 2008, 07:54 PM no
when i move it to the timeline it does not show audio
will check to see what the settings are what should they be.
Mike Barber March 12th, 2008, 08:05 PM when i move it to the timeline it does not show audio
Sounds like your audio destination tracks are disabled.
Eddie Pelfrey March 12th, 2008, 08:20 PM the audio is there on the track before it
2 tracks ont he timeline 1 with audio 1 without
Eddie Pelfrey March 12th, 2008, 08:33 PM when i r-click the clip there is no audio in the properrties
Nick Weeks March 13th, 2008, 05:51 PM are you right clicking your clips on the timeline? If so, they won't show audio. If you right click your source clips in the bin and go to properties, then format, it should show the number of audio tracks, and also seperate columns for the audio info
it does sound like your audio inputs are disabled. On your timeline, far left side you'll see a lowercase a1 and possibly a2, make sure they're connected to a capital A1, A2, A3, etc... if its broken your audio won't pulldown on the timeline when you drag a clip from the source viewer; same goes for the video track(s)
If your source clips don't show audio when you go to properties, then I have no idea how you are able to play them in the viewer with audio
FYI on the snapping, it doesn't work for disabled audio/video clips or tracks... fcp won't snap to those, only active tracks. It can be toggled, by default, with the n key
Eddie Pelfrey March 14th, 2008, 07:57 PM i figured out the lock on the left hand side of the time line was unlocked
Nick Weeks March 15th, 2008, 09:27 AM