Andrew Kiu
March 10th, 2008, 11:11 AM
What is the exact problem with Xl1s when “Eject/ Remove Cassette Message” appear during recording? I was encounter problem in middle of recording the event show and forced to remove the cassette for 15-20 minutes to “Cool down” the recording head?
After removing tape for 15 minutes and cleaning head, I was able to record again.
My Xl1s 3 years old now.
Please help and advice
Carl Barlow
March 11th, 2008, 02:20 PM
Andrew, I had same problem some years ago when my xl1s was about 18 months old, had to send it in where they replaced the idler gears, this cured the problem for about 6 months and then problem started occuring again.
Second time it went in they ended up replacing the entire tape transport mechanism (on an 18 month old, hardly used unit) cost was approx £300 GBP.
Not had the problem since...thankfully.
The guy at the service centre intimated to me that they had seen a fair amount of xl1s cameras with similar tape transport issues.
My advice would be to get it checked out.
Don Palomaki
March 12th, 2008, 08:11 AM
Occasionally it can also be caused by binding in the cassette (tape not feeding freely). Suspect this if it only happens with one or two specific cassettes consistently. If it happens with all cassettes, suspect the tape transport mechanism.
Andrew Kiu
March 13th, 2008, 02:10 PM
Thanks guys,
How to know the Life-span period for frequent used xl1s? how many years for replacement?
Thank lots